
My Vision As A Psychology Practitioner Scholar

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Your Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar Introduction Currently, I am seeking a Master’s Degree in clinical psychology in an effort to have my own private practice. I would ideally like to serve, individuals, families and groups. One of my interests is behavior. When I was raising my daughter she struggled with multiple behavioral problems; I know first hand how much of a struggle it can be to have a child with these types of issues. I want to assist parent, families and children when faced with these types of challenges. An analysis of three tests will be reviewed; each one is designed to analyze behavior in children. The review will be of the Conners 3rd Edition, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, and Behavior …show more content…

It is a multi method, multi dimensional system presented as brief forms and software that primarily assesses the changes in behavior or emotional status (PreK-16, 2017). The dimensions consist of several scales, the Teacher Rating Scale (TRS), the Parent Rating Scale (PRS), Student Observation System (SOS), Structured Developmental History (SDH) and the Self-Report of Personality (SRP) (Dumont, 2013). The completed test provides a scale of behaviors including bullying, Anger Control, Developmental Social Disorders, Emotional Self-Control, Executive Functioning, Negative Emotionality and Resiliency (PreK-16, 2017). All three tests selected are tools in assessment of behavior. Appropriateness All three tests are appropriate for measurement of behavior, each having various degrees of supportive evidence. The Conners 3rd Edition has strong norm sample set of 3,400 individuals, with two-thirds of the sampling group having multiple informants along various scales (Viezel, 2013b). The sampling set included both clinical and the general population (Viezel, 2013b). The internal consistency coefficients with all forms ranged from .77 to .95, the test-retest coefficients are .71-.98, these scores indicate the reliability of the Conners 3rd Edition has moderately strong reliability (Viezel, 2013b). The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function has a norm sampling from

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