
My Voyage to the United States Essay

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We are born alone in this world. It is the surrounding that taught us about relationships, religions, castes, cultures and other things in life. But the fact is, we have to die one day. No one will die with us. When a child takes birth in this beautiful world, it is dependent of its mother and father for everything. When it grows up slowly, it needs the guidance of both mother and father and other members in the family. In other words, people are dependent of their parents and people in the surroundings until they face something in life that has to be done by no one else but by themselves. As for me, I needed my parents to make every single decision of my life. But now, at the age of nineteen, I travelled halfway through the world to the …show more content…

Business is a miraculous world of dedicated service and hard work that I would be thrilled to enter, and the studies at the Marshall University could open the gate for this exciting world for me. Among other various courses offered I have opted for business management as my major because it gives me the chance to showcase my creativity and skills on display. Marshall University has always been known for producing excellent academic records. For an international student like me the only convenient way of contacting and looking for a good institute is through the website. Among all the various websites I have visited Marshall University which provided ample information about the details and everything there was to know about it. This university is accredited by (AACSB) Associated to Advance Collegiate School of Business which is considered as a world best institute for college of business. This university also has international Student from different countries making it a very diver’s and culturally rich campus.
Business and Commerce is the most appropriate choice for me. I have decided to be enthusiastic in this field and let the innumerable opportunities enter my professional life. I dream of being a successful person and make my family proud but to achieve this goal I have to struggle, work hard and experience new things. Business Management will

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