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- His theories on learning is referred to as constructivist approach.
- he said that children built up their own thoughts on experiences they had and what they saw. He felt that learning was ongoing and children need to adapt.
- Information contradicts their conclusion e.g. children may have milk in a pink tommie sippy but then have juice instead of milk in a pink tommie sippy they would reconsider that other drinks come in a pink tommie sippy not just milk.
- piaget grouped children’s learning into four broad stages.
Sensori-motor aged between 0-2 years
–Development of object permanence - Child begins to use symbols (E.G Language)
Pre-operational aged between 2-7 years
–child uses symbols in play and thought
- Egocentrism
- …show more content…

He told adults that they needed to work alongside their children and children can work alongside each other developing each other potential. He knew that direct teaching was important but it was just as important for children to work together and them being active in their learning.

• Social Learning (e.g.Bandura)
Albert Bandura Born 1925 social learning theorist accepts the principle of conditioning but believe there are other ways of learning such as learning by watching. Social learning theorists think that people also learn by observing others. This is called ‘observational learning’. Early years workers have seen children copy other children or adults. This is spontaneous children will naturally learn by copying rather than someone showing or teaching them. Research shows that children and young people can only copy something but not others. Cognition seems to play an important part in this as children need to be able to notice the activity and also be able to remember it fully. Bandura calls this ‘social cognitive theory’

Links of practice:
Children and young people will learn a lot by observing everyone around them and pick up social behaviour. Many people who work with children and young people will be encouraged showing positive and healthy behaviour such as not smoking.

Operant conditioning (e.g. Skinner)
B.F. skinner 1904-90 learnt that most humans and animals learn though exploring and then

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