
Nestle's Ethical Marketing Practices

Decent Essays

Nestle was involved in the unethical marketing practices, endangering consumer health to promote its infant formula in developing nation. Nestle often used deception and doublespeak to justify its unethical business practices. Many NGOs and groups spread the word about Nestlé’s unethical practices making people to boycott its products. Later Nestle changed its policy and stops free sampling and aggressive marketing techniques. Nestle promoted the infant formula over breast milk which caused the illness and death of many infants in the developing countries. There are many reasons that contribute to it:
• The formula needs to be mixed with water which is often contaminated in poor countries and thus this leads to diseases in vulnerable infants. The illiteracy rate is usually high in developing nations and due to this many mothers are not aware of the sanitation methods needed in the preparation of bottles. Even mothers that are able to read in their native tongue may be unable to read the language in which sterilization directions are written.

• In Pakistan many poor mothers use less formula powder than required so that the container of formula could last longer. As a result many infants receive inadequate nutrition from weak solution of formula.

• Nestle also gives incentives and gifts to doctors and in return pressurize them into prescribing Nestle products. In hospitals nurses were given lipsticks and perfumes. All the details about the doctors are recorded on the

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