The Netherlands
The Netherlands, officially Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a constitutional monarchy located in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland after a historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium. Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes have been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F and the mean July temperature is 63 degrees F. The Netherlands was considered to be lacking in natural resources. Salt is produced and in
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Most firms are privately owned even though the government distributes about 40% of the Dutch national income. From 1965 to 1980, the gross domestic product of the Netherlands grew at an average yearly rate of 3.8%, about equal to that of neighboring countries of continental Europe. Between 1980 and 1992, the GDP increased by only 2.3% annually. About 23% of the GDP is produced by manufacturing and energy related activities; about 16% by trade; about 9% by public utilities, transportation, and communications; 6% by construction; 4% by agriculture; and 42% by the service sector. The annual gross national product in the early 1990's was about $20,480. The Dutch currency unit is the guilder, or gulden (1.89 guilders equal a U.S. $1, 1998). As of January 1, 1999, the Netherlands adopted the Euro, the common currency of the European Union, at a fixed conversion rate of 2.20371 guilders to one Euro. De Nedelandsche Bank, the Dutch central bank, is a full participant in the European System of central banks. Amsterdam is the leading center of Dutch banking and insurance and the home of the country's principal stock exchange.
The Dutch economy is fully open to world trade. Much of the flow of goods into its ports is intended for transshipment to other countries, mainly members of the EU. Major
Urbanization and Industrialization brought millions of people to growing cities, these growing cities were ill equipped to deal with growing population rate. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of a surplus of job opportunities, faster production, and more amenities, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were angersome working conditions, poor quality of life, and child labor.
Netherlands Normal yearly pay in US dollars: $40,612 11. Spain Normal yearly pay in US dollars: $40,103 12. Qatar Normal yearly pay in US dollars:
1 Euro is equivalent to 4.15 UAE dirhams. Most of the countries in the EU use the Euro as their currency. However, some countries in the EU don’t use the Euro and they are the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Romania, and
AHousing is an outward expression of the inner human nature; no society can be understood apart from the residences of its members.@ That is a quote from the suburban historian Kenneth T. Jackson, from his magnificent piece on suburbanization Crabgrass Frontier. Suburbanization has been probably the most significant factor of change in U.S. cities over the last 50 years, and began 150 years ago. It represents Aa reliance upon the private automobile, upward mobility, the separation of the family into nuclear units, the widening division between work and leisure, and a tendency toward racial and economic exclusiveness.@ Overall it may represent the change in attitude of the American people.
The Euro and its Impact on the U.S. Economy The euro is the official currency of the following 12 European nations: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, and Finland. Although it has been the official currency since January 1,1999 it became physical tender which can be used by all participating countries on January 1,2002. The introduction of the euro into the world was truly a historic event; it represented a unity never before seen in the history of Europe, a common currency. After years of negotiations and much skepticism from around the globe, the implementation of the euro is no longer an abstract ideal, but a change that nations, corporations, and investors must
Belgium is part of the European Union and uses the Euro has its currency. The current money exchange rate is 1.09 US Dollars to a Euro. This means that the goods and services would be more expensive to manufacture in Europe than it would be in the US.
[GHETTOS AND URBAN ENCLAVES] Minorities exist everywhere and history of conflicts between majority and minorities form the base of many social conflicts and these social conflicts and stereotypes lead to the formation of settlements such as the gated Afro-American ghettos or ethnic enclaves formed by Chinatowns, people of a particular trait either due to lack of options or by own will. This paper looks into some of the facts established by well-known researchers and try to understand these aspects and their relevance to Urban sociology and Planning process Introduction Over the year’s social distribution on the basis of ethnicity and races have increased due to processes such as urbanisation and globalisation but researchers and
The city of Amsterdam, Netherlands is like a two-sided coin, with each side appealing to two very different types of people. On one side, people see Amsterdam as a mecca for decadence highlighted by its pervasive drug culture and brothels in the red light district both of which are a product of its liberal and permissive way of life. But the other side of this metaphorical coin displays the fascinating culture, history, and lifestyle only found in the Dutch capital. Unlike other national capitals, the city is less known for its politics and government, and more for its historical sites, since the national government is based in a city separate from the capital. Having a long history as the Dutch capital, Amsterdam currently draws tourists from all over the world, and its plethora of museums, historical sites, architecture and unique landmarks will most likely continue to make it a prime cultural destination.
In the 17th Century, valuable metals from the new world, japan and other were being ejected into Europe, with relating cost increment. Thanks to the Bank of Amsterdam for free storage or coins, with the increase in finance and commerce the banks of Netherlands get more deposit or coins and
International trade is the exchange of goods, capital, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries this trade represents a significant share of their (GDP) gross domestic product. This type of trade has political, economic, and social importance to all nations involved. There are many factors surrounding international trade, such as, advantages, limitations, foreign exchange rates, and others. As we review these factors, this will allow us to better understand how international trade truly functions.
The country of Netherlands is lowland and a lot of it is water. The size of Netherlands is 41,526 square kilometers. The highest point there is Vaalserberg and is 321 meters (Amsterdam guide, 2003). Sea storms and floods are natural disasters there but there are now dikes to control them better. The climate in Netherlands is mild (Amsterdam guide, 2003).
Located in Northern Europe the Netherlands is standing right with the rest of the world. Making a difference in the world by making advancements in technology and producing athletes and other famous people and figures.
The world we live in is becoming increasingly overpopulated due to migrates and births. With an increase in population, there will become a decrease in resources over time. Furthermore, not being able to provide the quality of life due to the decline of resources can create a war and an unbalanced world. There is no way this should be allowed to happen without a plan of action for the future due to the impact. Just because we can reproduce does not mean we should go overboard with it as well as we do not need to accept in this country all migrants. The overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs.
Belgium is a small country just west of France with a membership to the EU since its beginning. The Physiography of Belgium is very much the same throughout its 1,385 km of land, consisting mainly of flat lowlands with a coastal plain in the northwest of it just touching the North Sea, though there is a series of wooden plateaus called the Ardennes covering the Belgian regions of Luxembourg, Namur, and Liège. The land has a Temperate Midlatitude/ Marine West Coast climate, which means that it has warm, moist summers and cool (but not cold winters).
seen as a big step in the European integration and is today the second world currency, after the US dollar, and one of the European Union symbols.