
Neuroticism Is A Dimension Of Temperament That Can Potentially Play A Role

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PSYS 270 Writing Assignment 3 Neuroticism is a dimension of temperament that can potentially play a role in disorders. Barlow and colleagues (2014) provide an understanding of this role, through the triple vulnerability theory. The theory incorporates: general biological vulnerability, general psychological vulnerability, and specific psychological vulnerability all interacting in the development of an emotional disorder (or neuroticism itself), particularly anxiety and mood disorders. Neuroticism is the tendency to experience frequent, intense negative emotions associated with a sense of uncontrollability in response to stress (Barlow et al. 2014). Those who have a neurotic temperament are not characterized by, but generally have negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, and irritability, along with some physical problems (e.g. asthma, cardiovascular disease). A neurotic temperament can be problematic and develop into something serious. Better understanding neuroticism and applying the triple vulnerability theory will help with the treatment and prevention of mood and anxiety disorders. Neuroticism is 40% - 60% heritable (Bouchard & Loehlin) so it is important to consider genetic contributions as part of the biological factors of this theory. There is a stronger genetic contribution in younger individuals with neuroticism traits as compared to older adults (more environmental influence) (Laceulle et al., 2013). Structures such as the amygdala

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