
Nietzsche Care Ethics Analysis

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Care Ethics, a Nietzschean Response.
|It has been argued that the “different voice” Gilligan, Held and Tronto posit in response to ethics may not be as authentic or empowering as it would seem (Paley, 2002; Pukka, 1990). These critiques draw consensus by utilising Friedrich Nietzsche’s thoughts in Towards a Genealogy of Morals (1887) to suggest how, in periods of oppression, the underrepresented and disempowered have a tendency to promote morals systems that advocate inferior attributes as exhibiting increased moral capital. In this respect the negative externalities associated with their work can be revalued as a positive, empowering, authentic voice of the oppressed. Following from this idea, the case has been made that care ethics fits the criteria of a salve morality, albeit one that specifically emerged from the consequence of labor divisions enforced by patriarchy (Sander-Staudt, 2001). It is the view of this paper that this claim is erroneous― based on an inaccurate impetus, the proposal of care ethics exhibiting slave morality represents a fundamental …show more content…

In this vein the concern that care ethics may not represent as an authentic and empowering voice as it may suggest is motivated by statistics which expose the vast socioeconomic, sex and ethnic discrepancy between those whom receive and those whom conduct care work and the possibility that care ethics must then present a will to power focused through the concept of ressentiment . That it is the disempowered, marginalised and underrepresented in society whom take on the majority of care aligns to Nietzsche’s suggestion that when under coercion, the feelings of the oppressed towards their masters becomes focused on reaffirming the traits and value held endogenously to the oppressed as virtues (Nietzsche,

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