Over all work place violence can be classified as fatal events and nonfatal events; where about 700 people a murdered on the job. There are roughly two million workers a year affected by a form of nonfatal workplace violence, where many have no know knowledge of the individual; there are some that are related to family domestic issues that bleed over into the workforce. (Sahadi, 2015) Many people experience some form of psychological bullying at sometime within their career, according to the bureau of Labor statistics, (2015) there were about 572,000 cases of workplace violence in
Workplace violence occurs due to an interpersonal conflict between two or more people that results from differences in their needs, ideas, goals, interests, or values (Marquis and Huston, 2015). Workplace violence is not limited to physical violence; it also includes negative activities such as bulling, verbal abuse, pranking, negative insinuations, gossiping, insubordination, and withholding information (Latham, Ringl, & Hogan, 2013). Research suggests that more than 80 % nurses experience workplace violence at some point in their working careers (Frederick, 2014). New graduate nurses are especially susceptible to workplace violence because they are usually unprepared to deal with it, and they are more likely to leave the profession due to workplace violence (Frederick, 2014). Townsend (2012) reported that 70 % of nurses, who experienced bullying at the workplace, leave their jobs, and 60 % of new graduate nurses quit their jobs within first six months of being bullied (as cited in Marquis & Huston, 2015). Workplace violence is an important leadership issue to address because it affects turnover rates, productivity, patient safety, and overall quality of care (Marquis & Huston, 2015).
Scenario #3 is the one that I will be discussing for this case study. Conflicts will arise no matter where you work, it is almost impossible to avoid them. No two people think exactly the same and it is important to communicate to minimize conflict but embrace and learn from situations when they arise. Conflicts should never be left unresolved as people can grow significantly frustrated and the results can be deadly. Workplace violence has happened many times in the past and scenario #3 could possibly result in such from either the workers or their loved ones. Scenario #3 discusses an SVP, named Robert, who is being completely unprofessional in dealing with his employees. I will seek to investigate and understand the root of the problem, along with giving recommendations to my boss as a result of my investigation.
Safety is an important factor and is a high priority in healthcare. Kelly, Fenwick, Brekke, and Novaco (2015) shared that workplace violence impairs the staff perceptions of safety. However, both patients and staff are affected by workplace violence in many ways, from physical to emotional aspects. There are many reasons why violence occurs, that will be explained later in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to explain the reason and importance of the chosen phenomenon of interest. Moreover, primary and opposing philosophic viewpoints will be discussed, as well as ways of recognizing and utilizing them in nursing. The ways of knowing patterns in nursing and the utilization of these patterns will be explained, pertaining to nursing care.
Workplace violence includes any incident in which an employee is threatened, intimated, verbally or physically attacked, harassed, injured or killed. Workplace, or occupational violence, as it is sometimes referred to, has and can occur in almost all types of settings, from large to small, private to public and rural to urban. Therefore, there is a demonstrated need for firms of all types, sizes and in all locations to become aware of the seriousness of
The workplace is not immune to violence. It can happen anywhere, anytime, by anyone and sparked by any reason. What is expected of a typical workday morning is the alarm going off, a quick breakfast, rush hour traffic, and greeting co-workers upon entering the job site. Workers go about their normal workday and leaving for home without incident. What is not expected or typical is the chaos of gunfire, stabbing, bombing, and any other unimaginable, horrific event in the workplace. The events in between a twenty-four hour span from one workday to the next are unpredictable even in the best working conditions or locations. Although the events that bomb shelled the media in the past years are horrific in nature, they represent a small portion of
Workplace violence is a serious and growing issue in society. Employers need to develop intervention strategies to decrease reduce violence in the workplace. Also, employers and employees need to be aware of the signs when people exhibit behaviors that can lead to workplace violence. As a society, the issue needs to be acknowledged of the reality and work together for creating a solution. Lastly, employers and employees must not live in fear of addressing concerns if they see the potential for workplace violence or report when they witness or experience workplace violence.
OSHA Fact Sheet (2012) states “ workplace violence is a violence or the threat of violence against workers” (p.1). Workplace violence causes serious harm to employees or homicide that can lead to deaths. Act in any kind of shapes and forms such as: physical threat, threatening behavior, intention of assault and battery, verbal abuse, beating, stabbing, rape, shooting, being followed, psychological trauma, suicide, treat or obscene phone call/text, intimidation. Workplace violence can happen to anyone, anywhere at or outside the workplace location either during from/to work or from/to client’s traveling temporary or permanent where any work-related duty performances. It is not limited to just employees, but also customers, clients, and invitees. Workplace violence is one of the most concerns for not just employers, but worldwide workers.
When looking as to why males are more likely to be victimized than females at the workplace, there are a number of factors as to why it occurs. Going back from a few chapters it explained the phenomena already. Males having a higher rate of physical, and or violent victimization than women. Women are more likely to be sexually victimized than men being sexually assaulted. This tread would of course carry over to workplace incidents. Age also playing a role as well. The findings being young males between the ages of 20 to 34 having higher rates of workplace violent victimization. This is compared to ones who are significantly much order. Being of marital status now, or before in the form of a widow.
Workplace Violence statics across the United States of America have been on a steady rise each year since the early 1990’s. Reports have consistently shown in recent years that than an average of 500 homicides and 1.5 million assaults occur each year in America, in the workplace. With those types of statics on the rise in America it’s clear that a Workplace Violence Program is essential to the health, welfare, safety, and security of our employees in the workplace. When enacting a Workplace Violence Program it is the goal of the company to help employees become more proactive in the efforts of identifying possible violent situations, as well as minimize the risk of the employees becoming injured or even killed in the workplace. It’s of the utmost importance that we gain the employees commitment to the Workplace Violence Program. In order to gain our employees full commitment to our Workplace Violence Program we must first ensure that a training regiment is developed to help enable the employees to become proactive. This case study will reflect the efforts made in developing a Workplace Violence Program in a corporate setting, from a security point of view and stand point. The objectives of our Workplace Violence Program is to recognize the signs of a potential problem, Understand that Workplace Violence is not random, recognize that Workplace aggression is predictable, comprehend that Workplace Violence is preventable, and understand preventative action to minimize
And depending on the location, nature, and scope of the workplace violence, parties of concern can develop means to cope with, reduce, or eliminate workplace violence. It is also worthy to note, that the entities involved will determine the extent of any programs developed to combat the matter. For example, law enforcement agencies with reliable and extensive resources may develop a more comprehensive program, than a small private corporation, or a sole proprietor of a small company.
There are several levels of workplace violence. Level one is being disrespectful to other co-workers, not cooperating, verbally abusing others, or simply intimidating and manipulating them. For level of workplace violence, an employees should report this, and seek help responding to the situation. If the person is the supervisor, you report it to upper management and appropriate response action should take place. As upper management you should meet privately with the accused individual, and ask the employee for their side of the story. Reiterate what is acceptable behavior within the company, and correct the issues they may have. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2016). The second level will be escalation. The employee may begin to argue with customers,
A major component of any workplace violence program is prevention. Program development and union involvement, are important parts of a workplace violence prevention program in government. There are specific measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of violent behavior.
Workplace violence is the main issue in the United States expressed influencing a large number of American consistently. Working environment violence is any demonstration or danger of physical savagery, provocation, terrorizing, or other undermining problematic conduct that happens at the work site. It ranges from dangers and verbal mishandle to physical ambushes and even murder. It can influence and include workers, customers, nurses, patient, clients, and guests. Workplace violence can be discovered anywhere in every field we may accept the fact that it can happen in our workplace too, but the fewer people speak which is encouraging these criminals to prepare of making more atrocity. The occupational safety and health organization (OSHA) have created rules and suggestions to decrease laborer presentation to this deplorable scourge but still many people are being victimized their hands are tied up mouths are taped out to face the reality of what they are living through (OSHA 2015). OSHA’s paradigm incorporates the following elements: management commitment and employee involvement, hazard analysis or assessment, hazard controls, employee training, and recordkeeping and evaluation (McPhaul, London, & Lipscomb, 2013). As mentioned, these elements are basic guidelines in constructing a program, but more specific measures are needed to address specific precursors that contribute to the occurrence of violence and bullying. This would assist in forming the best strategies to remedy workplace violence and incivility.
The emergency room, geriatric facilities, and psychiatric hospitals face the most incidences of work related nursing violence, while it does occur in any unit or any type of nursing facility. The majority of nurses do believe some undesirable behaviors is associated with the job description, it would be hard to find many nurses who feel that bullying, economic, or sexual violence is part of the job description; however, even the majority of these vicious acts go unreported. Did not sustain injury, inconvenient to report, part of the job, retaliation, and nothing will be done anyway are frequent reasons why accurate numbers on exactly how much violence is actually taking place is unknown. Workplaces need to establish protocols in regard to workplace
The expression of violence takes many forms, ranging from physical assault and verbal abuse to intimidation and low level threatening behavior. The term ‘violence at work’ applies to ‘any incident in which employees and others are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances arising out of, or during work undertaken. This also includes employers, self-employed people and any other person who may be affected by a violent incident in the workplace. A violent incident is usually "sparked" by something that causes the employee in question to erupt. This is especially true if the individual is already feeling vulnerable or has low self-esteem. Behaviors of concern can be the beginning to greater levels of violence. Workplace violence is related