The following evidence is a grade 9 Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute Scholar Certificate and it is given to those students who have obtained an average of 90% or higher upon completion of the 2016-2017 school year at Dr. Norman Bethune Collegiate Institute. I included this item of evidence because it demonstrates my learning skills by displaying an overall idea of how I efficiently learn and apply those skills in different courses throughout grade 9. My learning skills allow me to quickly adapt and quickly getting up-to-speed with any task I’m confronted with. This not only includes new math theorems, science concepts, and different languages, but also quickly adapting to new tools and techniques I haven’t encountered before. This
After completing the Conley Readiness Index assessment, I have am surprised that I have some strengths. One strength includes contextual awareness. I am very aware of expecting the structure of college coursework, and the work load. College isn’t easy, and it’s much different than High School. Coming from Massachusetts, most of my High School work was about passing the standardized tests, which resulted with quizzes every week. I have found in college that professors don’t mind taking the time to explain the material; that when the quizzes, and tests come around, we will be more prepared. I am also very aware of my academic plan in order to prepare for my career plans. Another strength I had was procedural awareness. I understand the steps to achieve my postsecondary and career aspirations including how to add, and or drop classes. I know how to research the requirements I need to fulfill in order to get into my desired career. I am very strong with the cultural awareness. I know how to ask for help, and how to contact my advisor. I am also aware of the differences between the cultural norms of High School and college.
Student 2 increased their score four out of the six times of the intervention period. They reached proficiency one out of the six times but also reached the benchmark goal on the Daze assessment.
what they have learned with their fellow classmates. Lastly reviewing the chart that we did
Reuben is a clever student who has achieved some reasonable results this year for Digital Technologies. His grades do not accurately reflect his true potential, but rather his effort. He was happy to just get passing grades, but he is far more capable and could be truly talented in this area of study, especially
Anderson first year of teaching she should understand that students regardless if they have any disabilities or diagnosed are filled with an array of personalities and Howard is no expectation from his peers. It’s vital that she start and end every day with commendation for all students. Ms. Anderson needs to provide a period for customary meeting with the Howard to strengthen and survey behavioral and scholastic advancement. When, she starts to build solid routines for checking advance, for example, conduct outlines or charts that portray progress moving in the direction of an objective. It will provide open doors for Howard to share or illustrate their uncommon aptitudes to cohorts. Communicate is key with any educator so Ms. Anderson should consider to phrase composed remarks in a positive way by starting off simply by giving students basic errands and progress to the more perplexing (North Branford Schools, 2004). Avoid approaching the any student when they seem heedless. Utilization of favored interests, which are every now and again turned, as reinforces for proper conduct and evacuation of reinforces for wrong conduct. Students have their own one of kind hobbies and as educators we can utilize this further bolstering our good fortune as methods for fortification (Hudec, 2015). On the off chance that there is a computer in the classroom that is specifically noteworthy to a kid showing ADHD practices, computer time can be utilized as fortification
In this semester, my strengths included having prior knowledge to assist me in the classes. An example of
Learning: By applying the rubric to the assessment, I am able to see Johns’ understanding or lack thereof. His work allows me to see where he is in terms of progression of the concept while also allowing me to see the need for adjustments to instruction. Because I am able to see his work, I can go ahead and make decisions regarding and instruction adjustments that may need to
I used parental input along with classroom data to appraise Sabrina’s strengths and the skills were selected as the foundation for the curriculum development, given Sabrina’s age and the extent of her family involvement with her educational program.
The unit chosen for Evidence 5 was on forces and motion, students were pre-tested (formative) and post-tested (summative) on their knowledge of push and pull (force) and attraction and repulsion (magnets). Due to the students age and reading ability, both the pre-test and post-test was broken into two parts to prevent confusion. On one side of the page tested force, whereas on the other side of the page tested magnets. In the data chart below, I graded each section as separate tests and labeled each formative assessment as either force or magnet in attempt to catch trends in the data. For any type of assessment, I considered passing to be at 85% which would translate to a B. These tests and other assessments coordinated with the essential standard and
Interests and Preferences of Student: Jayland loves science and as taken a special interest in rocks. Jayland has an extensive rock collection and has won several science fair awards. He even formed a club for rock enthusiasts like him. Jayland prefers learning on the computer. This is evident by the fact that he got all A’s in his online class work he took. He feels computers are easy for him and likes to learn that way. He likes to be able to work at his own pace and learn in his own way so that is why online learning worked well for him.
In term of actual success, defined here as earning a diploma, programs like CEC have been and continue to be the number one at-risk program model throughout the country. While the reasons for the success of the software-driven model may be debated, several advantages are clearly beneficial for the at-risk student:
Over my years of professional and educational experience I have developed a concise set of skills which I believe will enable me to be successful in completion of my Ph.D. program at Walden University. I have extensive experience in the following area: data mining, business analyst, interpreting financial data, presentation skills and software programming skills on a concise scale. Over the years during my course works I intend to enhance my skill set and build additional essential skills which will enable me to become a proficient scholar-practitioner.
“The Guaranteed 4.0 Learning System is an innovative approach to learning and success! Our system ensures academic excellence and professional growth – both in and out of the formal educational system.” – This program provides a system that gives them tools and habits that are guaranteed to hit the 4.0 mark. This comprehensive learning enhancement system specializes in a dynamic framework of learning that employs the latest research in cognitive science. In recent years we have seen this 4.0 program reflect directly in our scholars GPAs. Academic success is laying a solid foundation for them and generations to come. This system has been implemented for all MAPS participants since the year 2014, which has better, prepared students
This course activity is your opportunity to define the foundation on which you’ll build improvements in study habits, keeping in mind the goals you set and your definition of success.
Allison is a freshman at a college in Delaware. She plans to be certified and teach in Delaware. What course of action must she take? Be specific. (3 pts)