Northrop Grumman Corporation is one of the largest, American, aerospace and defense technology companies in the world. As of 2015, Northrop Grumman is the 5th largest defense contractor and has reported revenues of over twenty-five billion dollars, making Northrop Grumman number 7 on the Fortune 500 list. With these facts in mind, it should be clear as to just how important Corporate Social Responsibility, Integrity, Diversity, and all the other aspects of Human Resources are to creating and maintaining the visions, strategies, and goals of Northrop Grumman. In order to get a grasp and better understanding of the human point of view of how Human Resources plays itself out in Northrop Grumman, I interviewed Mr. Lu de le Fortrie, one of the …show more content…
Yet, all one has to do is go to any other corporate website on the internet and will find the same generic list of values espoused by Northrop Grumman. This then leads to the question, “does Northrop Grumman practice what it preaches or is it merely corporate lip service?” When Mr. de le Fortrie was interviewed and asked for specific examples, the answer becomes a resounding …show more content…
de le Fortrie’s office, the kind of employee that any manager would be a fool to let go of, but this employee had a habit of posting that he worked nine hours instead of the actual seven. As it is with most evil or immoral things, no one was getting hurt by this little lie and when the allegations were brought to the employee’s manager, a blind eye was turned. After all, the work was getting done, was it not? The truth eventually reached a Business Conduct Officer, Mr. de le Fortrie, from a disgruntled and secret source and in order to maintain and salvage the company’s good name, the hammer had to fall. Mr. de le Fortrie explained to the manager and employee that not only did this act of dishonesty harm Northrop Grumman’s reputation, but it also affected them financially, since the company was obligated to refund the Department of Defense for every faked hour the employee falsely claimed. Based on the recommendation of Mr. de le Fortrie and several other company officers, the employee was eventually terminated from the company and the manager was given a one year letter of concern and required to attend integrity training. Mr. de le Fortrie went on to say that this story underlines the biggest challenge he faces in managing human resources at Northrop Grumman, the challenge of determining peoples’ futures, like he did with the manager and terminated employee. Following up this answer, the interviewer asked, “What is your
I’m not sure if you received my message before but my name is Julia Smith and I’m with Northrop Grumman. I’ve attached the current inventory list of Rio Grande City, can you please conduct 100% inventory and sign and date and send it back to me. If you can provide the Logistics personal POC that will be
Mary’s Honor CTR. Melvin Hicks did not have any prior mishaps with this organization. Melvin Hicks jobs characteristics started to suffer from an unknown reason, which optimally lead to his dismissal. Melvin Hicks had a satisfactory work history with St. Mary’s, however, I believe a change of commands caused some miss communication between the 3. Melvin Hicks started to miss rules violation of his commanding officers. Melvin Hicks was not properly doing his job. In the month of March, there was a fight that broke out while he was on shift. He was to complete a incident report, however, Melvin Hicks did not do such thing. Melvin Hicks was promoted since he was not properly logging all information that was happening while at work. Optimally, in June of 1984, Melvin Hicks was discharged for threatening John Powell during an argument. These are 3 incidents that happened all around the same time period, however, was it enough for Melvin Hicks to loose his job? This is the question that every is curious about. What does it take for an individual to loose their job? Does it take 3 strikes in order for the company to say, “your not longer trustworthy?” This cause was very interesting on what happened with the discharge of Melvin Hicks. I have some judgments on what should have happened, however, I am not sure if was enough for him to keep his
1. Identify and describe the specific issues DeMur encountered in the workplace. Do the actions of other workers at Treton represent discrimination and harassment? What elements of law are important for Treton to consider?
I’m with Northrop Grumman and I’m the logistic control person. Jason Watkins shipped 3 packages which contain surge protectors for the DBU’s. Once you received the packages it was to be forwarded to ADAB, AUAB, and Turkey. I need to know the status of the packages, did you receive them, if so were they forwarded to the sites.
Reflective Journal Entry 3: Lockheed Martin Guest Speakers Rielle and Adam, Ethics Officers at Lockheed Martin, gave a presentation on February 22 about their company’s ethics program. They began the presentation by giving background information about the company and their five business areas. They explained that ethics is key in their industry, because it allows them to maintain their reputation. If their reputation gets damaged in any way, this can lead to them losing large contract bids and possible debarment.
Our leadership is founded on talented employees effectively applying advanced technology and sound business management. Northrop Grumman employees lead through competence, creativity, and teamwork (Northrop Grumman, 2016). In addition, we strive to attract and retain the best employees by providing an inclusive work environment wherein employees are receptive to diverse ideas, perspectives, and talents to help solve our toughest customer challenges. Northrop Grumman develops and maintains some of the most technically advanced products, programs, and services in the world. For this reason, our continued success requires us to provide the education and development needed to help our people grow (Northrop Grumman, 2016).
The business success of most companies relies on the strategies they develop in order to manage their human resources. These strategies are based on policies that companies establish as rules that must be followed in order to ensure the flow of the activity in accordance with the standards established by the industry in case. However, these strategies and policies are developed in accordance with the type of activity of each company. The activity of Lockheed Martin is of great interest because of the implications it has on several industry sectors. The company must reach high quality standards. This is an objective that can be reached with the help of employees by developing different strategies intended to manage them.
The human resource frame is known to operate from drastically different paradigms. Bolman and Deal (2013, p. 113) state that opposing paradigms are identified when an individual asks which statement is true; 1.) “Our most important asset is our people”, or 2.) “Organizations exploit people --chew them up and spit them out” (Bolman & Deal, 2013, p. 113).
During 2006, the first part of Alan’s plan was to convince bankers into giving Ford Motor Company billions of dollars to complete this company overhaul. Once they were provided with the right amount of money, the plan was able to be executed. With this plan came a timeline; by the year 2009, the company planned to have the ‘One Ford’ mission in action and to see production increase. Because of such a short timeline, HRD was ultimately involved throughout the entire process. As part of the company’s “One Team” approach, certain areas of the plan are discussed and analyzed to examine if anything can be improved; this is accomplished by using everyone in the company. Employees are able to share how they feel about certain areas of their work and give their opinions on how certain things should change or stay the same; after everything is examined, the leaders of the company are the ones held responsible and accountable for making the changes, if any, to whatever was examined (Ford Motor Company, 2010). During this process, new strategies can also be provided by using the employee’s opinions and assessments of their strengths and weaknesses. This ultimately shows the use of human resource development as part of the company’s competitive strategy. Without the employees understanding how to complete their job correctly, the company would plunder. Thus, the company makes
In an era of organizational flux due to competition and globalization, companies and employees are faced with constant change. Leaders must be able to adapt to change as the environment shifts. HR has been known as the organizational change agent, administrative expert, and employee advocate. More recently they have been regarded as business strategic partners for many organizations. In order to be successful and remain competitive in today’s market, Human Resources (HR) must be considered a strategic partner if an organization wants to flourish. Top executives today commit significant resources to ensure that their company’s functions are capable of rapid change and achieving their
A rapidly changing business environment due to technological changes and the impacts of globalization has resulted in shift of human resources paradigms (Khan, 1997). In every organization
General Dynamics (GD) is a market leader in business aviation; land and expeditionary combat vehicles and systems, armaments, and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and mission-critical information systems and technologies (Gendyn, 2008). Lockheed Martin (LMT) is a leading multinational aerospace manufacturer and advanced technology company formed in 1995 by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta (Lockheed, 2008). I have compared both companies under various criteria such as ratio analysis, stock price performance, common size financial statements and then have tried to comment on which is company is better.
Martell and Carroll (1995) stated that there are two types of human resources: strategic and operative. They went on to describe four characteristics of human resource initiatives: (1) They are long-term oriented; (2) They are connected with the corporate strategies; (3) They are connected with the organizational performance; and (4) The line managers are involved in the details of decisions regarding human resource management. Too often, both operations managers and human resource mangers forget that they are working toward the same goal. Often, human resources will adopt policies and procedures that are hard for line managers to implement, and line managers expect human resources to have an inherent understanding of the processes taking place on the plant floor. The relationship between the best human resource practices and organizational performance must always
During my career as a human resources professional I have had the opportunity to be exposed to the diversity of several industries like Health Care, Manufacturing and Digital Content. These interactions allowed me to understand the role played by human resources, regardless of industry or line of business, is vital for any organizational success. Without people organizations would not function. My work experience has also provided me
Human Resources constitute as one of the most imperative components of any organization, be it small scale business or a large conglomerate. Some of the key functions of the Human