
Nursing Admissions Essay

Decent Essays

Changing Standard Practice of Perioperative Nothing by Mouth Status I want to pursue a Doctorate of Nurse Practice Degree from Colorado Mesa University because it will provide me with quality education to become a skilled Family Health Practitioner. My hope is that this program with help to further strengthen my contribution to society, by allowing me to be even more effective in my chosen field. As far as I can remember Science has been a driving force of my ambition. As a high school student I was found enthralled with every science course offered, I spent countless hours as an avid and enthusiastic observer in the laboratory. My natural proficiency in academics allowed me to see my dream in to fruition without much of a hitch. My love of Science and my relationships with the people around me brought about my decision to penetrate the healthcare industry, which I did so at the young age of eighteen becoming a Certified Nurse’s Assistant, which seeded my love for nursing and the profession. I eventually went on to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Nursing, my undergraduate studies provided me with the scope of knowledge and ethics needed for my current professional practice and the groundwork for a graduate education in nursing. In my professional practice I have had …show more content…

I am well aware that it involves a great deal of commitment, hard work and sacrifices. I have my sights set upon completing the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program and ultimately, setting up my own practice and then later on imparting my services to the underprivileged population of the world. For me, nursing is not merely an opportunity for a sustaining a career, it is who I am, care giving has always been and will continue to be a way of life for

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