

Better Essays

NutriGrow is a Canadian owned and operated agricultural company, currently operating in the province of Manitoba. The organization has been in business for 60 years and has experienced relatively slow growth, until the introduction of a new product, which turned out to be great success to large agri-businesses. Based on the new products’ success, NutriGrow has made a strategic decision to market this product internationally, with the expectation of increase business activity over the next decade. With the expectation of increase business, management has assigned the payroll department with the task of implementing payroll best practices in order to transform into an efficient high performance team.

The payroll …show more content…

One is an in-house system used by payroll to process employees’ pay and the other is a HRIS system used by Human Resources to store employee’s information. Because, the two systems are not integrated, mandatory employee information must be manually entered in both systems. Transferring of employees hire documents from one department to another could be missed, lost, or received late this can cause an employee to be paid incorrectly, or not paid at all. Consequently, if plant employees are not paid correctly, and on time, there is potential for a grievance payouts as a result of non-compliance with the union collective agreement. Since payroll’s goal is to expand their role in the organization, any issues with an employee’s pay would weaken their credibility.

There is no documentation of any payroll processes or procedures. The absence of documented procedures can cause confusion, inefficiencies, and may result in failure to meet deadlines not only within the payroll department but also for other area of the organizations that require information from the payroll department.

There is also no continuity plan in place; in the event of calamity, without a set procedure, employees may not be paid.

Currently there are over 700 employees all of which are paid by cheques printed on a bi-weekly basis. Manual cheque printing is neither cost nor time efficient. Payroll direct deposit can significantly reduce the production, administration and

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