
Open M Open Heart, Open Mind and Open Door

Decent Essays

Open Heart, Open Mind, and Open Door
“Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors” is the United Methodist’s trademark phrase expression its mission for evangelism. It is a wonderful catch phrase. And its essence contains the Christian message as well as the Methodist Social Affirmation to the world. To whom and how should we open these three doors: with our hearts, minds and opportunities? I see three doors in this catch phrase.
Jesus said, “I am the gate for the sheep: whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, freely and find pasture.” We need to see people we meet and world we live with Jesus’ heart, Jesus’ mind and Jesus’ door.
First of all, there is a door of the heart. What does it mean to have an “open …show more content…

I don’t have a problem with either the old or new translation. Mark Twain’s famous quote, “It’s not the parts of the Bible that I don’t understand that bother me, but the parts that I do.”
There is discrimination between male and female, in terms of sexism, in our society. This bias takes issue the new translation of the Bible. Though I personally believe that it may be better to have different roles between male and female in a family, the responsibility of each role must be the same as well as the dignity afforded to each in the image of God between male and female.
I don’t deny that everybody has his or her own tendencies for favoritism in all things, which is a person’s own right. But, in the universal love of Christ, we have to treat people equally, no matter how he or she looks. Sexism is another avenue of discrimination in our society.
The Bible intends for us to recognize that discrimination is common in community, and in society, the most common form of discrimination is economic discrimination. On Labor Day, we remember those who labor long hours for low wages and struggle for dignity and basic human rights. There are “3D” jobs among

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