There will be so many new opportunities after I graduate! Having a high school diploma I could get a job faster, easier, and it will probably still be a pretty decent paying job. After I graduate I could also take up the chance and time I will have spare, to go to college for a few years. I could go to school for business management and open up my own business and try to expand if I’m doing well. There aren’t that many high paying jobs out there, so it is going to be hard to find something over minimal wage. I’ll be happy if I can get a job that is close to $12.50 an hour. In this little town the best things out there is mayor, police officer, fire fighter, EMT, highway patrol, and border patrol. I’m really not up for any of those. I mean, it would probably be pretty cool to be a police officer. …show more content…
A lot of the people that I know that finish high school and don’t do anything after eventually turn into druggies. High school is really important, believe it or not. I kind of blew it off for a while but then realized I’m not going anywhere without it. It is a great opportunity and I don’t wants to turn my back on it now, not when I’m so close. The main reasons I’m not going to turn my back on high school, I will be the first Westbrook to graduate high school. I will be able to get a way better job. And I have a lot of people to prove wrong. A lot of people that said I wouldn’t graduate. I’ll show them what’s up though! It’s not easy to come up with money, so you have to earn it. You cannot earn money by sitting on your butt all day either. Graduation is a big thing in everyone’s life. It is a big accomplishment that everyone should be proud of. I know when I graduate; I will probably have the proudest moment of my
Graduation has many meanings for it; however one way to look at graduation would be the transition from youth to maturity. Graduation in another point of view could be the transition from one chapter of someone’s life to another. Most people would consider their childhood the best time of their lives. Some could also recall a part of their life that was a new chapter for them, or that it changed their life in one way or another. The journey from youth to maturity however, is ruthless, inconsistent, and can be a good time for some; others, not so much. Poems such as “To an Athlete Dying Young,” or “An Ex-Basketball Player” and award winning movies like “Holes” and “High School Musical: Senior Year” all relate to the celebration called graduation
Most parents would rather see their child achieve higher academically than seeing them earn minimum wage. Students should not work during high school because they get better grades and have more time for a social life. Although working through high school gives the student more spending money, they should not forego the opportunities that would open to them by getting good grades. They also may be able to receive more work experience by working through high school, but if they drop out, they won’t be making nearly as much money as a high school graduate or someone with a bachelor’s degree.
Life after high school can be one of the most difficult decisions in your life. And it is not just one decision, the college you choose can alter many aspects of your life. When you attempt to choose a school to go to you have to take into consideration many things. You have to know the major you want to go for, the minors, location, tuition cost, et cetera. I have so many options for the next step in my life. For this paper, however, I have narrowed it down to two options: Miami University and the University of Cincinnati. It is a close race between the two, but based on my recent visit to Miami going there for college would be the better option for my future.
While some do not take high school seriously and get into trouble, there are others that have stayed away and focused on their education. When students care about their grades, they stay away from the parties and stay safe at home with their homework. The more
All throughout my career in high school I have been told we are learning things to better prepare us for the lives we are going to lead. Also we are told that we are preparing for college as well in terms of the information we are required to learn. With that in mind I have tried to keep more practical things in mind when going about my learning and I have tried to pick classes that would challenge me and allow me to grow in some way. When looking at the future in terms of what I would like to continue learning or what I want to start learning there are a lot of different things that come to mind. First and foremost I want to learn things that I can use in my everyday life in the form of a job or something else and I want to be challenged by
Moving out is something that every teen dreams of doing once they are out of high school. Once they are out of high school and met with reality, they realize that it’s hard moving out right after high school. This project has helped me open my eyes to what would happen.
As an Ob nurse, you might work in a private OB/GYN practice, in a hospital or a woman’s health clinic. At the hospital, you could choose to specialize in gynecological cancer care or tend to pregnant and post-delivery patients and their
Graduation is an exciting time in a person’s life, especially a high school graduation. When I think of family and friends gathering together to celebrate a joyous occasion, I feel I accomplished my strongest goal. It never occurred to me that graduation would be the end of my youth and the start of adulthood. Graduating from high school was an influential event that gave me an altered outlook on my existence. Life before graduation, preparing for graduation day, and commencement day overwhelmed me for reality.
The debate of whether or not to continue your education after high school is an issue we all will face when we reach that stage in our lives. There are many factors that play a role in this decision making process. You will have to ask yourself some very personal questions that are specific only to you. This decision is going to generate a different answer for each individual in this situation. Can I afford college? How will I pay for college? What school will I attend? What are the succession rates of graduates with my degree? Will I be better off financially furthering my education, with the knowledge of guaranteed student debt, or going directly into the field and starting my career, debt free? Let’s take a further look into some
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still
Graduation was one of the better days of my young life. If you haven’t figured it out, I was not a fan of high school. They couldn’t pay or beg me enough to teach at any high school here in the county, hence why I am teaching at the middle school level, as my middle school days were sadly, the best days of school I ever had. I was miserable all three of the years that I spent here, the fourth where I left classes here to pursue community college instead as even that was better than here, not by much though. After leaving high school, I did my two years at community college and received my Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications and Education, then started my career.
High School Dropout. This is a commonly used phrase among society, but most people are unaware of the severity of the term, and the consequences that dropouts face later in life. Unfortunately, leaving school before graduation is not a rare event. When a student drops out of school, they abandon the likelihood of being accepted into college, getting a high quality job, and having a stable future. If students were required to stay in school until the age of 18, they would better understand how their education creates a path beyond high school. As a result, they will be more likely to succeed later in life. Staying in school may also provide better emotional support for the students, result in higher yearly incomes, and open various
Which brings us to the part of life that we are perhaps thinking the most of: our future. It is important that we do not see graduation as only a finality, but that we view it as an achieved milestone on the varied path that each of our lives will give us, and perhaps even a chance to start over.
Here we are high school graduates. For many of you, tonight is a dream come true. Yet I think graduation is the attainment of a goal. A goal requires hard work. It drives people to better themselves on a daily basis. A dream, however, demands no work, no dedication, and no discipline. It is simply a faint hope. It is when a person turns their dream into a reality that things really start to happen.
Going through the college process myself, there is a certain obstacle that all students must experience at the end of high school. When the days of socializing with friends and carefree learning are gone and the most important decision of your life is at your feet, the important decision on if whether or not they plan on continuing your education at a university, picking up a trade, entering immediately into the work force, or even choosing to serve in the military. Some have sorted out their life plans before freshman year while others still remain in that planning stage for years after high school. While there is no one correct way to plan for the future, it is necessary to consider all of the possible costs of the choices at hand: while going to college and earning a degree may improve earnings over one’s lifetime, there are many individuals who cannot attend due to the financial expenses of tuition as well as the years of missing out on any income that would have been possible had they entered the workforce.