
Why Is Organic Foods Worth The Extra Cost?

Satisfactory Essays

Organic foods are defined as foods that are free of synthetics, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and are not further processed in industries or by using genetic engineering. However, organic foods do not come at a cheap price. They are listed at higher prices than conventional foods. Despite their high cost, the organic food market has increased by over $25.1 billion in the past decade (MacVean, 2012). The real question then becomes, is organic food worth the extra cost? Some people tend to disregard the high cost of organic foods because they believe in their nutritional benefits. Although this is the common belief, there appears to be no true difference in the health of those who eat organically and those who eat conventionally. Another common reason for purchasing organic foods is that organic farming provides more environmental benefits. Organic farming does not use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that are harmful to the environment and the species living in the environment. Despite the high price of organic products, people continue to buy them. Although organic foods have been found to be more beneficial to the environment when compared to conventional foods, organic products are not worth the extra cost if the purpose for buying them is solely for nutritional benefits.

How did the desire of organic products come to be? In the early 1900s when the organic movement began, people wanted to separate from the capitalist food supply. They began

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