
Organizational Change Essays

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Organizational change can be intimidating for business leaders. The internet hosts several sites for small consulting firms that specialize in helping corporate leaders initiative positive change in their organizational culture. One such firm, Change Management Solutions, Inc., (CMS) uses a five-step change model, which encompasses contemporary collective and collaborative theories and models of change and change leadership. The firm considers culture, organizational leadership, and change planning as essential tools to prevent “becoming one of the 75% of businesses who fail at change.” (Puelo, n.d.)
Similar to the design of the chapters in Hickman’s book, the CMS website promotes “Effective (change) plans answer the critical who, …show more content…

Change leadership, defined as, "the ability to energize groups who will be implements change projects that they may or may not fully embrace, or, the ability to understand the need for change and demonstrate a high tolerance for ambiguity and a positive attitude in the midst of change." (class lecture) CMS coaches leaders to use transformational change as well as transactional leadership to accomplish change.
CMS starts sustainable change by using a five-step model similar to Schwartz or Koetter’s models for change ((Hickman, 2010) The five steps of the CMS change model are planning, leading, evaluating, handling change resistance, and avoiding and overcoming burnout. CMS states, “Planning change that becomes a part of the corporate culture requires planning that considers the effects of the change to all levels of employees.” (Puelo, n.d.) This is an example of empowerment and shared power concepts. Part of having shared power is creating a clear vision, developing others, and making empowerment systemic, all things CMS coaches their client organizations to embrace. (Hickman, 2010) Once change is planned, CMS implements a strategic change plan. This plan requires leaders, formal or informal, who will be trained and supported during change implementation. This type of leadership falls under the teleological theory of planned leadership with transformational leadership and collective/collaborative leadership styles where power is shared by multiple

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