
Organizational Structure, Culture And Other Business Practices

Decent Essays

In a business environment there are various business practices, processes, systems and general tools that people will be observed. Sometime employees and organisations needs to be managed according to it. At my workplace I have observed and learned variety of practices, process and system. The elements could be at internally or externally within organisation relationship. According to Keyser (2014) for a manager it better to maintain healthy relationship as a result the desired outcomes will be more effective and efficient. When talking about internal environment towards internal relationship of an organisation it includes organisational structure, culture, practices, process and other insights. In terms of my CPO the internal …show more content…

When talking about customers or clients at Ceylon we have to deal with either business or personal transaction customers. Sometime business customers include either retail or wholesale clients where they want to send money to overseas to buy goods. In terms of personal transaction customer which include immigrant worker where they want to send money to their family members, or people who wants to send to their saving accounts in their home country. There are many reasons can be categorised. When talking about outsourced services Ceylon needs to seek outsourced services to offer our clients some of the services that Ceylon deals would be Banks and other financial services providers. As a result it would enhanced our reputations.

When analysing corporate social responsibility (CSR) it’s a concepts of business practice which involving initiatives that benefits society that business operating in. In terms of business practices in the financial industry CSR contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environment benefits for all stakeholders within the company. CSR is a very broad concept where it address many topic such as economic development, human rights and environmental effects. With current issues that happening in the world CSR specially address the economic

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