
Organizational Success And Performance Of Project Management

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While it is unrealistic to assume that every leader are an expert communicator, corporate boards need to tie conversational leadership to the mission, strategy, and goals of the organization. They need to foster a more rigorous approach to ensure that CEOs and management team have the right tool for engagement practices to communicate tangible opportunities for employees to influence incentives. As Groysberg and Slind say, “a productive conversation is a source of sustainable competitive advantage, if you can have good conversations in a company, you can actually achieve a lot.” People thrive on information; leaders’ ability to effectively convey their thoughts to others is paramount to organizational success and performance.
Project management operates in a constant state of change and lack of effective communication can dramatically increase the likelihood that the project will fall short. In order to perform better I need to manage the four I’s: intimacy, interactivity, inclusion, and intentionality for ongoing effective communications, to ensure teams perform efficiently, and to ensure the information transferred is authentic, constructive and continual. The key to effecting change is to involve stakeholders in the process early, they would want to know that they are not at the bleeding edge of organizational innovation and taking an undue risk. I will need to consult with them and to get them to take ownership of the new ideas that are to be introduced. As Groysberg

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