
Oriental Restaurant Plans Entering The Restaurant Business

Decent Essays

Implementation Plan: Oriental Restaurant plans entering the restaurant business by September, 2015. As owner, I will create an implementation plan for our business to follow. The implementation plan will clearly define all tasks and actions of the business which make my restaurant achieve the short-term objectives. My implementation plan will include some important factors such as: Objectives, Functional Statics, Action Items, Milestones and Deadlines, Task and Task Ownership, Resource Allocation, Financial Breakdown and Break-even analysis. Objectives: Objectives are “specific, usually quantitative, results operating managers set out to achieve in the immediate future” (Pearce, 2013, p. 288). Oriental Restaurant has the following primary objectives: • Stay Competitive: The restaurant industry is extremely competitive because this kind of business is every easy to enter into the market. There are many restaurants that provide the same kind of food and they have the same price range such as: Panda Express, Long Life Vegies House, Dragon Diner…etc. Oriental Restaurant must provide customers a complete package: Good Food, Excellence Service, Low Price, and convenient location which will help my business stay competitive with other restaurants and attract more customers. • Diversity in Products: Oriental Restaurant will select the most popular Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine to provide to the restaurant’s customers. The restaurant also will expand to Thai food within one year. I

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