
Kudler Fine Foods – Strategic Plan

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In today’s highly competitive business environment, budget planning or forecast based planning methods are insufficient for business to survive. The firm must engage at strategic planning to clearly define objectives and built a strong internal structure in order to assess both the internal and external situation to formulate planning, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress, and make adjustment as necessary to stay on track. Strategic planning has a bad reputation. People think of it as a laborious process to produce a document that will just languish on a shelf. Many business managers consider strategic planning to be a waste of time. But these perceptions aren 't really accurate. A company needs a strategic plan for the same …show more content…

Therefore, KFF strategic plan needs to include a mission statement, objectives, goals, and an action (or Implementation) plan.
Mission Statement
This is the agreed-upon statement by the organization and explains the reason for its existence. It is necessarily broad to encompass the diversity within the business. The statement is not precise in its measurements nor does it need to be, but it does need to be periodically reviewed by the business to see whether it still encompasses all of the relevant activities of the business.
The objectives are the areas of emphasis within the business. Rather than specific statements with a specific goal, objectives state that the business plans to continue to do quality work in the following areas. These objectives or areas of emphasis need to be attained by discussion and review of the current activities as well as activities in which it would like to participate in the future.
These need to be both long-term and short-term goals, “i.e. six months, one-year, three years, and ten-year” goals need to be set so that the strategy for reaching these goals can be outlined in the plan. Most businesses recommend setting the long-term goals first and then setting short-term goals, those goals which can be reached as steps to attaining the long-term goal.

Action Plan
The action

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