
Overpopulation And Its Effects On Human Overpopulation

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Population growth is another negative factor linked to the disruption of natural selection from medical advancements that causes problems both socially and environmentally. Overpopulation happens when there are too many people and not enough resources. The key to solving overpopulation is to find and retain the perfect size for the population before it is too late and all the natural resources are consumed or ruined. The world population is rapidly increasing… “[w]ith over 7 billion people living on the planet today and estimates reaching between 8 and 11 billion by 2050 and up to 15 billion by 2100, the human population will continue to grow exponentially” (Causes of Human Overpopulation 1). The United States population is projected to increase by 44% from the years 2008 to 2050. Advancements in medicine cause overpopulation by causing mortality rates to go down and life expectancy to go up. Due to improvements in prenatal care, health care, and education, the chances of survival of mothers and their babies increases (Causes of Human Overpopulation 1). From the environmental aspect, overpopulation can lead to problems like drought, soil erosion, and pollution. Socially, a large growth in population can cause problems like overcrowding, high unemployment rates, inflation, overfull schools and hospitals, urban sprawl, and increases in traffic. (F.A.Q. | Negative Population Growth 1). It is important to care for valuable resources like freshwater because most of it is

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