
Oxfam Business Analysis

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While the stereotypical shopper at a charity is thought to be middle aged women, it has actually been found that charity shops have been gaining in popularity with the millennial generation. Millennials tend to be more conscious of both their limited budgets and the environment when shopping for clothes (The GBrief, 2016), which has lead them to charity shops like Oxfam. The millennial second hand trend also means that they are active donors to shops. In one report it was found that “older adults were less likely to donate to second-hand stores and more likely to use the trash than younger adults” (ScienceDaily, 2016). Oxfam does have programs for young people to get them involved with Oxfam, but there is very little advertising aimed …show more content…

Nevertheless comparing Oxfam to other charities such as UNICEF and Save the Children, Oxfam has lower influences and popularity globally. According to UNICEF UK (UNICEF, 2016), it has worked for 190 countries and Save the Children UK (2016) states that it has worked for 120 countries while Oxfam (Oxfam International, 2016) states that it has worked for 90 countries. However, Oxfam has performed events and festivals for its fundraising not only direct relief activities and donations while other organizations focused on relief activities and fundraisings. It shows Oxfam could produce positive brand images to its local stakeholders including volunteers and participants with the strategies which could lead to more interests and attention to Oxfam. According to the Guardian (Butler. S, 2015), Oxfam and many other charity shops are losing money to discount shops such as Aldi and Lidl. To compete with discount shops and other charity shops, opening pop-up stores at festivals could be a core marketing strategy for oxfam to increase its fundraising from its

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