
P5 Explain The Legal And Ethical Issues In Research

Decent Essays

P5: Explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information.
In this task I’ll explain the ethical and legal issues in relation to the use of business information for the company I have chosen, TESCO.
Legal issues.
Data protection Act 1998
This means that all using data are collect ted by legislation. These data are protected against exposure such as personal information otherwise they will break the a doctor can’t share his/her data to any client or anyone else who doesn’t involve unless there is an emergence or critical issues like crime.
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Computer Misuse Act 1990
This part dealing with accessing of computers for preventing stealing from people or hacking and use them for their advantages. …show more content…

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Human Right Act 1998
This consist of all public bodies such as police, hospitals, court, local government, and other bodies which dealing with all public functions to obey with the contracted right. This means that someone can take the case to the domestic court there is no need to go to the European court to sue the case. This play the right of freedom for the individual in U.K like freedom from slavery, torture, right of security and liberty and other right.
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Privacy Act 1974
It requires agencies to notice the system of their public by record the publication in the Federal Register. Also, it prohibits the providing the secret information to known to everyone from the system without consent of an individual. It also provides and amendment of individual records and sets the requirement.
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Whistle blowing

In this Tesco employees, Officer and director all respect the code and Tesco encourage them to observe any bad event which they will observe to the executive team of management, human resources or legal department.
P 6: explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information.
Security of information.
Every officer, director, agent, employees and other representative has some of the confidential info to access. An example of confidential information of Tesco are like Tesco equipment or tools, financial data, price lists, legal matters, business intense and plans, trademark as well as software. Technical and commercial information receives the confidential from 3rd parties such as partners, customers, and suppliers. So, all employees in Tesco should sign the confidential when they start the work with Tesco company.
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Backup copies
In case there is something went wrong, and all data has lost. They prevent the problems against losing with customers almost million pounds.
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Health and

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