
Partial Credit

Decent Essays

In “Should Partial Credit Be Awarded on Math Tests?” by Apex Math, the authors makes some very intriguing points. “...all teachers (myself included) have been corrected by students when we occasionally make a mistake during our lesson. Yet, we are willing to subtract 8-10 points off a test grade if the student does the same?”. This is a strong point in support of partial credit being awarded on a math test because counting off on a student for making the same mistake as the teacher makes is hypocritical and unfair. Another thing to consider when thinking about giving partial credit, when a student is “...showing they clearly understood everything taught to them but they accidentally transpose a number or maybe made a silly arithmetic mistake …show more content…

When they made these mistakes the students politely pointed out their miscalculation, together they corrected the discrepancy and everyone continued the lesson. The teacher may have done all of the work correct but they still made a mistake and got the wrong answer in the end, yet they were not docked pay for this error, and they did not get in trouble with their bosses because it was an easy, insignificant mistake. Now, if a student made the same miscalculation on a test, the answer would be counted wrong. The same mistake was made, yet only one of the two were held accountable. Not only is that unfair, it shows the student that he has to be perfect even though his teacher is not. He is trying to learn a new concept that may be difficult for him to grasp, and it would be disheartening to know that he did all the work correctly but forgot to put a negative sign, and now a seven-step problem he did right is counted wrong. Would it not be possible to give him a six out of seven on that problem instead of counting it completely wrong. This would be a time when partial credit would make sense and help motivate that student pay better attention to the seemingly small things that can make a big difference in the final

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