
Persian Empire Chapter 4 Summary

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Chapter 4 Title: Eurasian Empires 500-500 Pages (143-169) 26 pages

Eurasian Empires
Empire is a relative term given to a state of power that exercises coercive power, conquers rules over other states. Political and cultural oppressions. There is no clear distinction between an empire and smaller states. All the Eurasian empires faced the same problems. Even with times of conflicts and heated disputes, there are still peace and security in an empire.
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Empires and Civilizations in Collision: The Persians and the Greeks
All civilizations in this time period were grown up separately, with their own unique culture.
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The Persian Empire
500 BCE. Indo-European, Iranian Plateau. Imperial system that was under one ruler, Cyrus, and then Darius. First widespread unified empire, from Egypt to India. Crazy amount of culture language and people. Cult of Kingship. If the king dies, people shave their head, cut the mane of their horse short, and extinguish sacred fires. The Persian God claims that the king is the absolute ruler. Royal road, Sardis to Susa. Imperial spies throughout the nation as the king’s eyes and ears. Accepted the liking of the Jews when they came back for their homeland, he allowed them to build their temple of Jerusalem. Standardized coinage, taxes, and a Canal from the Red Sea to …show more content…

750 BCE. For 400 years it prospered before being taken over by another nation. Their mountainous environment painted their political structure. All of them had many things in common. Olympic games every 4 years started 776. Even with these things, there were still huge conflicts between the bigger states. Due to the small region, most traders want to expand all around the Mediterranean sea in the search of resources. They brought the Greek cultures to the land they settled to. The mode of government was the most surprising thing for both cultures. Sparta, military power, and Athens for its

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