
Personal Communication : Information And Clinical Studies Essay

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For question number one for this week’s interview paper: Ms. Alarie says that she receives emails from databases on new information and clinical studies (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). If she finds one of these emails relevant to her organization, she makes sure to share the findings with her staff at their weekly clinical meetings (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). She also encourages her staff to bring up any new evidence they have found during these clinical meetings to encourage teamwork and continuity of care (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). Once new evidence is found, she works with her team to facilitate the integration into their standards of practice (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). She realizes that change is something that people have issues with so she works closely with her team when implementing new standards of practice (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). For question number two for this week 's interview paper: Ms. Alarie says that if one of her staff members questions the rationale approach to something that has happened she reminds them of the protocol of the organization (S. Alarie, personal communication, November 23, 2016). She explains the protocol and why it was put in place, but, she allows them to have the right to question the rationale, and then reminds them that they have to follow the protocol (S. Alarie, personal

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