
Personal Description Of An Assistant Principal Of A Primary School

Decent Essays

I am 6 feet tall and weight approximately 93kg, most describe me as having a solid build. I have “salt and pepper” hair (which my friends always remind me of), blue eyes and a fair complexion. I have freckles as I spend as much time outside as possible.
As a person I would describe myself as an organised, self-motivated and trusting person. I love to makes others around me laugh and enjoy seeing others smile. As an Assistant Principal of a primary school I often find myself faced with new and challenging situations where I need to think things through thoroughly to ensure all aspects are considered. I love to play sport and participate in any type of physical activity. I try to give new things a go as often as possible, I love learning new things. I come from a very sporting family, my uncle played AFL football for the Hawthorn Hawks. I have a passion for travelling and have lived in the United Kingdom for two year in the early 2000’s. I have visited many Asian countries and love spending time immersing myself in the culture of other nations. Part of my job has been to organise a study tour for students to travel to China and visit our sister school in Changzhou, an experience I look forward to each year. I love to cook and try new recipes as often as possible. I attempt many new recipes each week but love to make Bolognese. Personally I would like to be more creative in how I tackle things. Sometimes I can only see one solution and try to achieve it

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