This personal journal is discussing and to reflect back on my experiences in our Wednesday morning classes. I will be answering five questions in this Journal. The first question is “What were my thoughts or feelings about the Wednesday morning class at the beginning of the semester?” Also,” how did my thoughts or feelings change over the course of the semester?” The second question is “how I would describe the dynamics that I noticed or observed during class on Wednesdays?” The third question is “did I notice our group “moving” or “growing” over the course of the semester?” If so, how, or in what ways? The fourth question is “what did I like or enjoy about our class time on Wednesdays. The last question is “what did I learn about myself or …show more content…
My feeling was anxiety, because I tend to be more shy in a group of strangers than with people that I am close to like family, and people that I work around. When it comes to being in a group, I tend to not talk. My thoughts about the classes changed over the course of the semester because at the end the group sessions turned out to be fun and entertaining. My feelings changed because the class was fun. They also change because Glen made it fun to do and also because we did not just have to sit at a table and write notes all the time. I would describe the dynamics that I observed from the class on Wednesday mornings as informative, educational, and very enjoyable to learn about others. I noticed that at the beginning of the semester everyone was at the Group sessions, but the further we got into the semester, the class started to get smaller and smaller. I noticed that our group was growing over the course of the semester because as we all got more comfortable being in a group setting, more people started talking. I also noticed that the more people started talking, the more we got to know more about the
Pattern recognition helps to develop the skills necessary to develop a differential diagnosis. When seeing patients in the clinical setting, practitioners begin to recognize associated symptoms, health history details, and assessment findings that are related to specific system alterations. By acknowledging these repetitive patterned-like affiliations from clinical scenarios, we as learners can begin to transform our foundational knowledge to critical thinking, diagnostic reasoning, and differential development. According to work by Flott and Linden (2015), a positive learning environment can be supported by understanding "attributes" that support learning (p. 501). Hence, pattern recognition is an example of an attribute that will contribute to learning in the clinical setting for nurse practitioner students. Consequently, being able to mentally sort a group of symptoms, findings, and diagnostics that are related to a particular problem can help build an intellectual database of reference. As a result, these steps help students develop a diagnosis, differential, and plan of care. A reflection of pattern recognition, problem-based learning, and clinical experiences will be examined further to help substantiate the contributions to the learning experience.
Yesterday was Wednesday, January 25, 2017. When we strolled into class after a relaxing lunch period, we picked up several papers from the front bookshelf. To commence class we started off with a short quiz on the syllabus. This served as our warm up for the day. Following the quiz Chris read his through daily log, which brought back memories of the first day in our new classes. I volunteered to write the next daily log.
Last class we broke into intragroups and reported out. What are your reactions to last class? In what ways did we practice dialogue during the last half of our last session? What did you notice about your classmates? Whose voices did we hear? Whose voices were missing?
I met with my colleague earlier this week and she asked if it was ok with me to facilitate the substance abuse group on Mondays, instead of the relapse prevention group on Wednesdays. She said this will help me to become more knowledgeable about the street drugs and there effects on the body. I told her I didn’t mine taking over the substance abuse group at all. In the substance abuse group the facilitator usually have discussions on but not limited to the different types of illicit drugs on the street and the physical and psychological effects on the human body. The different routes of entry to the body and how long it stays in the body is discussed as well.
Humans differ from each other. Some people like to change themselves in a better way, and other accept how bad they are. Your concern may be correct, but it doesn't apply to all kinds of people especially for the one that read this book. Writing journal help people to be honest and it's a way of discovering out new things about themselves such as strengths and weaknesses. However, people may lie about a bunch of stuff, so they don't feel shame in front of the reader, but deep inside their heart they know what the truth is. On the other hand, you may not notice the difference in the writer after his/her first journal entry; things may take an 180-degree turn when it is the finale. For instance, my first writing journal isn't similar to this.
I can say that I really like the structure of the class, and it was very interesting. Meaning that I didn’t see anything that I don’t like from the class exercises, readings, discussions and assignments.
Sitting at a crowded table surrounded by my friends roaring with laughter, I gazed out at the ocean. The glaring sun burned on my skin, and I was exhausted from spending the day at the boardwalk of the Jersey Shore. My stomach was growling, and all I could think of was how badly I wanted food. All of a sudden, the aroma of melting mozzarella and fresh tomatoes hit me like a train. I could hardly wait. The waitress soon came over and left the pizza on our table. I wanted to begin eating at that second, but first I had to take a picture of this beautiful creation.
Holding onto certain experience may be a way to activate or evoke emotions. However it is not simply emotional memory that is triggered but also a connection with someone who is represented by it. Many times certain situations can trigger a memory of someone from the past. When I was about fifteen years of age, I fell in love with a guy in school which was my first relationship. We dated for about five years we were very attached to each other. It always feels warm and secure whenever we hold hands. His smooth and gentle touch is something I certainly did not imagine life without. I always look forward to his way of comfort in any situation. I was touched profoundly by the outpouring of love he had shown to me. The experience I
Since this is my first year at Pasadena City College and my first online class it is every interesting the types of questions that we had to responds to during the course. The reason that it appeals to me is that I get to reread about other peoples point of view and find out different many for questions. From the response I learn new ways of looking at question and new way to apply myself when answer then as well. There is room for improvement because every single discussion I only answer on Sunday when I initially have to answer them on Thursdays so i can still improve on that aspect. This was a great opportunity because I got the chance to speak to new people and maybe I was able to struck a new friendship with someone which was all worth
I was put into a small group including other students my age who I had never met. We differed in gender, race, and social background but were all able to come together as a group. Over the course of the week, we heard speakers, set goals for our future and had fun together.
Every journal entry that we did in class, I made sure that It was heartfelt. I gave real life experiences and my perspective on things. For the final presentation I used my journal entry that discussed performing masculinities. I wanted to do a performance that I felt where I could express myself more but also one that could incorporate my peers. I wanted to reflect on my childhood a little bit and how that had an influence on my adolescence years. I adapted my journal entry by creating a script that displayed the actions of what I discussed in my entry. I knew that we paired in trios, which was perfect for me because I was able to have a classmate play the role of my brother and auntie. I transformed it into a performance by breaking down
This journal exercise was emotional and it had me to think with an open mind about the unthinkable. Some questions blew my mind and had me to realize that death can be near at any given time in any place. Many questions open my mind and had me thinking about movies that relate to certain questions. I never believed that I being buried alive would happen but in today’s society anything is possible. With some much bad news on TV, some part of me fear for my family lives and my life because of the danger that some individuals put us through. I become emotional with any topic that talks about death because it brings back memories of the loved ones that are not here today and how they have lost their lives. This journal exercise has been a roller
Surprisingly, everyone bustled into their designated groups, picked graciously by their teachers, without a complaint and stood. Some were happy with their members, others…….. Not so much.
In conclusion, this class has changed my perspective about working in a group. Since my prior experience with groups was so unsettling, I believed that all groups were going to be the same. However, this class has made it possible to believe that there are groups that respect and take into consideration other members’
Participating in group activities have never really been my thing, but this project was a great experience. I got the chance to meet individuals with different problem solving solutions than I, and the people I communicate with daily. This project helped me gain communication skills amongst others when trying to make a decision, and the process of coming to an agreement. The knowledge, skills, and abilities I demonstrated throughout the weeks have grown and boosted my confidence when partaking in a group setting. I learned that people are easily offended and it may be hard to steer away from it, but it can be done. Teamwork has always been easy for me because I offer more help than needed to my teammates. The panel discussion taught me that not everyone one wants help, but the opportunity for their opinions to be considered. Each tool I have gained from this experience will make it easier for me to engage with others in the near future in a mannerly way whether it is for a grade or not.