
Personal Narrative Essay On Brands And Stereotypes

Satisfactory Essays

When I was a little girl I remember the parents used to buy me shoes from sketchers; at that time we were low on money and sketchers had a deal buy one get one 50% off. As a child I was never brought up in knowing brands all I knew was that my parents were able to go me was okay. Prior to this event I felt embarrassed of those shoes, until I was made fun of because I had sketchers and not brand shoes such as; vans, Converse, Nike, Jordan's, and heelyes which at the time were in. I remember my classmates made fun of me and I came home upset because and complained to my parents in why I cannot have better shoes. The next time and from then on my parents bought me shoes that were in style. I never saw the sacrifice my parents did just so I can fit in with my classmates; my dad would sacrifice himself when he needed under clothes he did not buy it instead he would spend that money on getting me thing so I could fit in. …show more content…

At a young age, we are thought that in order to fit in society we much conform to the latest trends and if you are not aware, you are the outsider. Kids today can tell what logo belongs to what brand and what brand is high quality and which one is the knock off version of it. Advertisements are everywhere and it has an effect on us even if we don't it does. People in the advertisement industry create there adds in a way we as a consumer can have some personal contribution with whatever product is being sold making our chances in buying that product. They make sure you remember their name in all commercials or jingles on the radio we even catch ourselves singing along to them as

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