
Personal Narrative: The American Suburbs

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The American Suburbs The american suburbs are a valuable community for families. Some would debate that they are the best place to raise a family. They can provide a safe, loving, and nourishing place for a child to grow up. On the other hand they provide a sheltered, unexposed, place to grow up. Suburbs are places with community and family and are a very important part of today's society and culture. Although suburbs seems like such a great place to live their are still so many problems within them and a huge lack of true christianity. Born in Homewood, Illinois I moved to Spring Lake Michigan at the age of three. I lived in Spring Lake Michigan until I came to college here at Wheaton. I’ve only ever lived in suburbs my entire life. So perhaps …show more content…

Aren’t we supposed to want a wife, two new cars, and a house that's way too big for our family? What else says “I made it” like the five story suburban house with a pool, granite countertops and the downstairs basement with a movie theatre? While I mock these things it is very easy on my part since I grew up with all of these. I was one of the fortunate kids who lived on Spring Lake in their house filled with giant televisions, a state of the art kitchen and a bedroom twice as big as my dormroom. When I got bored of that I then wa able to drive a half hour to my other lake house on lake michigan which was twice as big and had the million dollar view we all dream …show more content…

There is also a large difference between conforming our beliefs to accept others and just simply loving them. If we meet somebody who is gay we don’t need to believe that it is okay and we should just accept homosexuality as being culturally acceptable. But on the other hand we don’t need to constantly shame them and tell them they are going to hell. When responding to people in suburbs and people anywhere in the world we need to find the middle ground. If we tell someone what they are doing is wrong and they are going to hell it is only going to spread hatred and give us a bad reputation. Instead we need to show love and guidance with people. If we earn their trust first it will be much easier and effective to show them christianity and what God wants for us. I strongly believe that many people in the suburbs are living lives without meaning and with God. There are also a lot of great christian people in the suburbs. Many people would in fact say that it is the best place to raise a christian family. Suburbs give you access to an abundance of church, youth groups and christian events. It is up to us to use these resources to the fullest effect and tie the christian community

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