Since 2014, I have served the Order of the Arrow, the national honor society for the Boy Scouts of America, on the section level as the Centennial Coordinator. The position focused primarily on planning, organizing, and executing events related to the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow, but I quickly developed the role into one that was more demanding. Rather than focusing solely on centennial-related events and activities, such as the North Carolina Report to the State, I additionally began, what would be known as, the Centennial Service Initiative. The new objective called for members of the Order of the Arrow to strive throughout the calendar year of 2015 and conduct a minimum of one unique service project in each of North
Throughout the conversation, Susan did not inform me that the home was still in First Look and not open to investors at this time. Susan did not highlight any features of the home, nor did she talk about the neighborhood or the surrounding area. When asked, Susan paused to reference the property file and stated, "In looking at the pictures it appears that it needs interior paint, carpet, appliances, and a few windows, which the previous seller must have taken." She stated, "I don't know why they have to remove things from the homes." I asked, "Do you have offers?" She paused to check the property file and answered, "No offers." I asked, "Is the property behind the home farmland?" She paused to reference the property file and replied, "It appears
“He who serves his fellows is of all his fellows greatest!” This quote by Dr. E. Urner Goodman implies that those who put the needs above the needs of their own is the greatest leader of us all. For this reason, Dr. Goodman’s efforts in organizing an honor camper society known as the Order of the Arrow has made a wave of change in lives of boy scouts over the past 100 years. To shed light on this subject we must have a brief look at its purpose and intent, its history, and its impact on the nations as we know it.
This little scene was written as a response to a fanfic meme where NN wished for a scene with the Master, River Song and spanking and FF River Song and something kinky. In effect this is a missing scene from Sliding Down the Razorblades of Life and follows directly after the second chapter, Mid-Term. However, you don’t have to read the fic, just keep in mind that the Master has just told River that if she slaps him one more time she will get a good spanking. Guess what her response to that is?
Five months later David get a call from the hospital to tell him his results an he came back positive he drop the phone an cried he was in rage he put a hole in the wall at his house broke his television. He pray to god an ask him questions why me I haven't done nothing wrong but be good to her an make her life easy in this world. Then the test result for his child it was positive that it was his baby he was happy about that couldn't wait to see his health child of his Kelly calls him an ask forgiveness he tells her right now I can't talk to you disgust me at this time. But he told her the results for their child was his he ask why you put me through all of this only thing I wanted to do is to love you be
“Hey you want to drive”, my step-dad yelled over the loud engine of blue grizzly 4x4 quad I yelled “yes!!”, so as I got one the quad I put on my helmet and fased the strap on the same color helmet.
normal Interceptors. It was much bigger than me. It seemed to be waiting for something to happen, but neither Demon nor Reaper noticed.
Although I have not thought about how I would stage a play I will give myself a chance to thinking thoroughly about how I would want an audience to receive a piece of work written by the four playwrights we have read this semester. Drawing on Wilson’s famous speech, I have an idea about what I would want. The Ground on Which I Stand is one that acknowledges the amazing playwrights we were able to read this semester. I appreciate what they have given to the world through the stage and in print. There have been plays that I resonated with me and some that were harder to grasp. Many of these playwrights talk about connections and family which is a way that I have connected with the characters. I wouldn't use many of the playwrights as influences
Take a deep breath, I told myself looking in the visor mirror, just breathe. I looked to my right and droplets of water covered the passenger side window of my fathers Jeep. Two of the droplets had streamed down the window and I admired the beauty of their disarrayed paths. I compared the droplets to the bittersweet chaos that has consumed my life. Their paths had no direct course and jerked left to right slowly and then in a rush as if there were a magnet below them.
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
In a restroom, in a church or anywhere else in the world you will judge a person by their appearance whether it be negative or positive, you cannot help it, it just happens whether you like it or not. For an example, when you are walking down the street and you see someone wearing ripped up clothes and bad hygiene then you automatically assume negative things such as beggar, homeless or even possibly a drug abuser. Being judged can go a different way also, you can think of someone as a rich, snobby individual because they are wearing very nice clothes and act a certain way but in all actuality, they could be a wonderful person. A more serious case of people judging other people that I have noticed is that most people
What if you can only pick a movie, book, or tv show that would not be destroyed.? we would love to save all differents kind of movies, books, and tv shows, but you can only pick one! I would pick the tv show spongebob, the divergent book and movie, and diners drive-ins, and dives .
At times, I can be very composed. Other times I can be the fool that I am. When I entered the airport from the plane ride from London, I started freaking out! I was in Africa, but still surrounded by White people and I could not understand their English! Luckily, Elders Reese and Spillane met us at the airport and calmed me down. They told me that the language that those people spoke was Afrikaans. Initially it sounded to me like English that I did not understand, but as I heard it more I became used to it. The thing that I wanted to do most was use the French I know to speak to someone about the gospel and I got the chance! I saw this Black guy who spoke French, who helped load our kombi or van with luggage. I testified
It was close to midnight when we got back to the Arrow. Plenty of people were still awake and wandering around in the dim lighting. I felt like finding a place to sleep. A few cheers came from strangers to when they saw us and I blushed.
At the beginning of second semester during my sophomore year, Eva approached me about some lyrics she had written. “I wrote a lot over break,” she said, shoving her hands in the pockets of her jeans and looking down at her SHOE. “I know you’re a music person, do you think we could work on this sometime?” We had met in art class earlier that year, where we quickly learned that we had more in common than we had initially thought. A friend of a friend, we ended up at the same table and spent every day bonding over the frustrations of sculpture and, more importantly, our similar tastes in music. Immediately intrigued and ecstatic at the thought of working with someone on music, I agreed.
I neck almost snaps based on how quickly I turn my head, “What the hell did you just say to me?!”