
Personal Opinion On Creative Play

Satisfactory Essays

In the first passage, the author had a opinion on creative play. Children having more freedom to be more expressive on their own, not having organized activcities gives them more hands on play time, using their imagination while also developing other skills such as, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The children have more of a advantage with playing on their own figuring out problems on their own being more open and expressionable, they learn to value each other and also the parents can always have time for bonding with they children being able to ask what they did or made.

In the second passage, the author had a different opinion, they thought that oraganized activities was a better way for children to play. They found …show more content…

It gives more of a chance to find their-self and who they are, and what they what to be. They can have more communication skills and use their imagination. With the freedom to just be children, and not always have to have a structure for everything, becaure as they grow up there is so much structure and organized responsiblities that we have to do, so why not enjoy just being a kid?.

When I was younger I went through a very hard time making friends. My mother had signed me up for sports thinking that it was just because I didn't have a lot of time around kids my age just in schoola and there it was all just school work, or so she thought. I always knew that being around alot of kids at once made me nervous, I did not know what. Maybe i was just different?, Why was everyone so happy all the time in reccess and I wasnt?. It was very scary.

As i grew a little older around eight years old my mom became very worried about me. I never wanted to go outside and play never brought any friends over to play. I had just spent all my time with my brothers and sisters if they were out I would lock myself in my room. Finally, my mother called someone for help it was a

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