
Personal Reflection Of A Personal Experience At Multimension

Decent Essays

The company I interned for this semester was MultiMension. It is a company founded and run by my intern supervisor, Julie Hyunjoo Lee. MultiMension is an E-learning company that produces digital media tools for the various instructional needs of customers. These tools come in the form of online courses, infographics, animations, and interactive tutorials that are tailors to target audiences. The company has also been involved in mobile application design and development. They recently released a new meal planner application, called Nuttri. This is the product I worked exclusively with during my internship this semester.
Nuttri is a baby meal planner application for apple and android mobile devices. It is currently designed for parents of infants who are between 4 to 24 months. The application provides information on different foods and nutrients that parents can use to make decisions on what and how parents plan for their baby’s meals. The meals can be planned in the app calendar, with the ability to record the child’s opinion of the meal after. Information on seasonality and preparation of ingredients help parents to prepare the right meals for a child during different periods of development. Addition information and scientific references are available on the website for the Nuttri application to allow parents to learn more on infant nutrition and development. My main role in the development of the Nuttri application was a research intern. My majors are Human Biology and

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