
Personal Reflection Of Leadership : An Introduction To Leadership

Decent Essays

“Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” This is a quote from John Maxwell and he could not have said it better. This quote represents how I feel about leadership. I believe that leaders should not be only in it for the money, but to make a change in the world. To be a great leader you must be passionate and have great leadership skills. According to Introduction to leadership some good leadership skills are problem solving, managing people, and being socially perceptive.
I have chosen to Interview Mrs. Rebecca Merriman. She oversees GO CAPS at the Monett high school. GO CAPS is a program for students to get hands on learning while still in high school. I was involved in the teacher education strand and there were many times where I wanted it give up, but she encouraged me to stick with it. I am so thankful that she did because she able to teach me so many skills that I continue to use to this and will probably use for the rest of my life.
I chose Mrs. Merriman because she has all the traits that are included in Introduction to leadership. The traits include intelligence, confidence, charisma, determination, sociability, and integrity. I also picked her, because she has impacted the lives of so many students in such a positive way. She taught me how to shake a hand, how to send an appropriate email, and most importantly how to respect authority. I could not be more thankful for everything she has taught me, and I know

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