
Personal Reflective Essay: Overcoming Obstacles

Decent Essays

You are driven to succeed. You are motivated to achieve your goals that you are prepared to overcome obstacles that would likely discourage and stop others. I believe this to be one the greatest characteristic that I can relate to. I am constantly setting short and long term goals. Goals are the milestones to living life. I am currently working on a project at work. There are about ten people assigned to this project. At this point of the project I am at 95% completion. The next person closet is sitting at 50% completed. I like to become organized at any task given, so that I can complete the task fast and have a high success rate.

You accept and embrace change. I relate with this characteristic. The current job I am working constantly is going through changes. I have learned to become successful at my job is to accept the change and move forward. I was also in the military for nine years. I was stationed at four different locations. I had to learn to embrace the change of the different locations. …show more content…

I also relate with this characteristic. I believe that there is not many things that come across are path that are done alone. The job that I work out is separated into about 20 different departments. Our department is very high is the success level. We work as a team and push the ones that are falling behind to do their best. We are one of the only departments that work the best as a team. This has been a great learning experience on how to be a great team player

You are persistent. I need to work on this characteristic. This one I can only relate mostly to the first sentence. If I am not interested in the project or task I tend to lose focus and have a hard time hitting my goal. On the other hand I am able to handle setbacks and overcome them.

Energized by challenges. I need to also work on this characteristic. I need to become more focused on stating something new. I am able to complete a challenge once I am given

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