
Personal Statement: A Career In Psychology

Decent Essays

At the beginning of this semester I thought that I had the field of Psychology entirely figured out. However, I have learned that my knowledge of the field is actually very limited and distorted by many of society's misconceptions. Although, a lot of my viewpoints have changed throughout this semester, my reasoning for choosing the field has not. I still have a thorough fascination of people and their behavior. I have also realized what aspects of the field I like and do not particularly care for. Due to this course I now have a deeper and more extensive understanding of Psychology and the possible career paths I can take. Although, I know that I want to have a career in Psychology, do not know which specific topic I want to be in. This semester I went out on a limb and decided to take my first ever Criminal Justice course. …show more content…

One thing I did not know about the career, is that you attend medical school and learn the same things as an aspiring doctor does. Although it is a bit intimidating, the one thing stopping me from pursuing the career is the extensive amount of science required for the field. Another possible obstacle I could face, is not graduating on my expected year and term. In the past I have come to the realization that, unfortunately, science is not one of my strong points. However, I do not want to miss out on an opportunity to do a career I love because of a fear of failing. After getting my Bachelors degree in Psychology, I would then have to take my MCAT and apply to different medical schools throughout the country. After being accepted into medical schools I would have to complete all four years and then apply to a Psychiatry residency program. It would not be until I apply to a residency that I would begin to focus, specifically, on Psychiatry. To further narrow down this career, I would be a Child Psychiatrist because I like nurturing children and have heard that the job is in

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