
Personal Statement For Public Health Arena

Decent Essays

Since I was a child, my family and my teachers used to call me “Doctor Sumaya”. I grew up believing I needed to be a physician who will help and relieve the suffering of the sick people and serve my community in the best way. My dream had come true, and after high school was finished I joined the Damascus Medical School at 2008. My study in the medical school gave me a great opportunity to explore health problems in my community. One day after another, I realized how poor was the quality of health services and health education among patients and how it deeply affected people in my community. Most importantly, the lack of attention government and local leaders paid to public health issues, have led me to realize that it is not more physicians as to what our country needs, but someone to point out problems and propose effective solutions.. My first introduction to the public health arena was in a course that I took in my medical school. I immediately knew that this is what I was looking for; the opportunity to help the entire community to improve their overall health. I loved working with a broad scope that public health addresses , promoting the health of the community, and preventing diseases instead of only treating individuals, so I fell in love with this course and thus decided to study public health. I was sure of my choice when I received the highest grade in this course; and I finished my first research paper and designed a patient education brochure describing

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