
Personal Statement On Interpersonal Communication

Decent Essays

The relationship I have with my husband is comfortable, which fits under the definition of interpersonal communication. According to McCornack, “interpersonal communication is defined as a dynamic form of communication in which the messages exchanged significantly influence their thoughts, emotions, behaviors and relationships” (McCornack pg. 9). This relationship meet the criteria for interpersonal communication because we know each others boundaries and when we talk the overall message sent to each other effects our emotions and relationship. For example we like to cook together some times and when we talk we know not to criticize each other on how we cook or if we accidentally do something wrong. Another example could be when cleaning the house I know my husband doesn’t like to do the dishes and he knows I don’t like doing the laundry so we communicated and traded chores to help each other out. This resulted in a change of emotion (less frustration) and made it more comfortable for both of us.
I believe our interpersonal communication could be improved with a goal of mindful open communication. My husband has trouble with not thinking before he talks which ends up causing emotional turmoil making my self-esteem lowering. Also I have trouble not explaining how I feel which turns me into an emotional time bomb and turning into a fight. I feel if I work on expressing how I feel on the spot I would be less likely to overwhelm my husband with all of my emotions at once. As

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