In this essay I will be looking at two aspects of personality and the effect that personality traits have on behaviour within organisations. “Personality is the overall profile or combination of traits that characterize the unique nature of a person” (Ray French). This is just one of many definitions for personality, however all definitions linked to trait theory share the same key aspects, that personality consists of internal traits and characteristics that have an effect upon a person’s behaviour. There are thousands of different personality traits that can contribute to making up a person’s personality and influence the way they may act in a given situation. These traits can be broken down into five key dimensions which can then try …show more content…
Low levels of emotional stability are negatively correlated with job satisfaction and are therefore likely to lead to deviant behaviour in the workplace. Organisational deviance is when an individual either withholds effort or steals form an organisation. Low levels of emotional stability is positively correlated with organisational deviance, so people who have high levels of emotional stability are less likely to steal or with hold effort (Sean P. Neubert). Grays Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (1970) looks at how individuals in the work place may react or become aroused to reinforcements and rewards and there sensitivity to these (cook thesis). (wikiversity) As the graph above shows performance in neurotic people (low stability) will perform better at lower levels of arousal and as arousal increases performance will drop, whereas performance will be higher for extroverts at a higher level of arousal but lower at lower levels of arousal. This however works on the basis of Yerkes-Dodson’s theory which suggests there is an optimum level of arousal that an individual performs best at. When looking at adjustment, as levels of emotional stability decrease, so does an individual’s sensitivity to reinforcement (Gray, 1970). So people with very low levels of emotional stability tend to have exaggerated responses to reinforcement and rewards (Pickering, Corr, &
What role, if any, does temperament seem to be playing? . Temperament plays a major part
McCrae &Costa’s Five-Factor model of personality has become the dominant conception of personality structure (1985, 1987, and 1997). The Big Five Personality traits are said to be predictive of some kinds of behaviour such as honesty, job performance, and procrastination.
Emotional stability is the fourth trait of the Big Five personality traits.” Low scores of emotional stability mean that the individual is highly reactive in situations, which would not affect most people.” On the other hand, high scores show that a person is more stable, do not get upset as easily, and is relatively calm. I was not
No two people are alike, and no two personalities are alike. A personality is made up of different characteristics, which help to define a person. Per the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator everyone has a four-letter personality type with 16 different personality combinations. These personality types affect everyone’s personal, social and work life. My four-letter personality type is ISFJ (introvert, sensing, feeling and judgment).
Allport defines personality as ‘the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment’ (Allport, 1937). An individual’s unique personality traits and attributes are a powerful indicator of how he/she will interact with the work environment. The difference between average and outstanding employees can often be solely personality related. As the employee is the most valuable asset to the company, ‘selecting the right employee during the process is critical’ (Carbery and Cross, 2013, pp. 41-53)
The use of reinforcement has been shown in multiple studies in treating disorders such as anxiety and substance use. It is most commonly used during behavioral cognitive therapy to change people 's way of thinking and actions. The outcomes of reinforcement in these treatments have shown an overall positive effect with the disorder being shown at a lesser degree or disappearing completely. Reinforcement is described as the process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a preceding behavior will occur again according to the Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 10th Edition, by Robert Feldman. Different researchers have used varying techniques of reinforcement to best suit a subject or experiment. There is positive
The Big Five personality test was created in the 1970 's by two independent research teams. One team with Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, and the other with Warren and Lewis Goldberg. The two teams had different methods that they tested but in the end they both ended up with the same results. The results were that no matter what culture, race, or language people have their personality fits into five dimensions of personality. The five dimensions were created after reviewing lots of surveys and data analysis called factor analysis. Now, just forty years later the Big Five is one of the most commonly accepted personality models.
The trait perspective on personality in the field of psychology assumes that there is a given set of character traits defined by any theory and that every individuality maps along the continuum of these characteristics. The approach considers these different traits as the building blocks of personality that in their interaction with each other at different amounts cause the development of a unique individual
My personality type is ENTJ. Each letter has its own characteristic within my personality type. The E stands for Extraversion, N for Intuition, T for Thinking, and J for Judging. People with ENTJ personality types are natural born leaders. They like to take charge and direct people whenever they can. They’re self confident and career focused so they naturally fit in with the corporate world. Their strengths include being highly self confident, strategic thinkers, energetic, very efficient, strong willed and having excellent verbal communication skills. Some of an ENTJ’s weaknesses are impatience, poor handling of their own and other people’s emotions, intolerance, and stubbornness. Interestingly I found that Bill Gates,
The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an in-depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality.
My Big 5 personality test results showed that I’m more closed minded, and prefer traditional and familiar experiences. It also states that I’m more “conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, and uncreative” (The Big Five Project Personality Test, n.d.). I do not agree with this at all. I actually find myself to be very opened minded, probably more opened minded then anyone I’ve ever met. My Jung test results identified me as an ENFJ, which illustrates a creative and idealistic personality. I think because the Big 5 personality test has fewer questions relating to this particular assessment, the test did not accurately capture my personality trade for being either closed minded or open to new experiences. I agree with the rest of my Big
There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn’t. As I spend more and more time as a professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the table? How
The following will reflect this researchers understanding and reflection on personality, how it defines one, what it means, and if one’s personality changes to fit certain situations. At the end this researcher may have a better insight into herself as well as the personalities of others. This insight can help her in her future endeavors.
I have to admit that I was skeptical in completing the personality profile. I thought, “How could a few questions determine everything about my management style”. When I received my results, I was astonished at how accurately those results portrayed my personality. While deciding which of my personality traits were advantageous and which were detrimental to my management style, I became conflicted as all of my scores can be portrayed as both positive and negative depending on the situation.
What is a personality? A personality is a reflection of a person identity of a human being but we don’t share the same type of personality. There are so many different type of personality in the world some people have outgoing, shy, crazy, and settle personality. There are some people where there culture and surrounding shape their personality traits. In my culture and surrounding it has help me shape my personality in many ways.