The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological test to explore ones judgment in the decision making process. “It offers an explanation of the individual’s decision-making process, perception of the world and mechanism of interacting with the external environment” (Chong et al., 2016, p.48). By taking this test, one can find out your personality type from one of the 16 personality types. “On the basis of their answers, individuals are classified as extroverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or feeling (T or F), and judging or perceiving (J or P)” (Langton et al., 2013, p.48). My personality type is Introvert, Sensing, Feeling and Judging (ISFJ). Did any of the dimensions on your personality type surprise you? i.e, Were you surprised to learn you were an introvert when you thought you were an extrovert? My personality type was ISFJ. I definitely was not surprised to see that my feeling was 34%. To me this makes sense because I follow my gut feeling a lot. I was surprised that my judgement was only 12% because I use my judgement a lot. I was very surprised to see that I was an Introvert at 6%. I am a very shy person and it takes a lot for me to break out of my shell. I would expect that number to be …show more content…
In organizations, it can help determine who can be fit for certain tasks. If an organization wants someone who is fit for customer service and dealing with clients, they would have to look for someone who is not so emotional. This would mean that they have a strong backbone. This test can be unhelpful if the information about a person is inaccurate. The organization could believe that a certain person is fit to work in customer service and dealing with clients, but they can be very emotional even though the test did not sense this. Someone can also lie about their answers to make it seem as if they are perfect, when really they have emotional
After taking the “Jung Typology Test”, I was given four letters that would describe my personality type. According to the website, my personality type is ISFP, which translates into Introvert (3%), Sensing (12%), Feeling (31%), and Perceiving (22%). I plan to discuss my Introverted personality trait using the COGNITIVE perspective; I will discuss my sensing personality trait using the PSYCHODYNAMIC perspective; I will talk about my feeling personality trait using the BIOLOGICAL/NEUROSCIENCE perspective, and I will discuss my perceiving using the BIOLOGICAL/NEUROSCIENCE perspective. To have the personality type ISFP, this means that I am what most call an “adventurer.” “ISFPs live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas.
My personality type according to the Jung Typology Test is ISTJ. These letters stand for Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging. I agree with my results because, I’m introverted and would rather be by myself a majority of the time. I tend to try to make sense of things instead of allowing my intuition to take over. I think long and hard about certain outcomes that could go bad or good.
The results of my Myers-Briggs Personality type test were as follows: extrovert, intuition, thinking and judging. As I read what each category meant, I could see those characteristics within myself. I love to be around people, socializing or just people watching. I prefer things to be planned and to think of solutions outside the box. I also look at the big picture of things before making a plan of action. The following two stories display my thought process in different areas and the affects it had in my life or how I dealt with the situations.
During the power point on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, as the instructor went through the different types of personalities, I was able to recognize which subcategories I fall into almost instantly. When my computer personality test results were returned, I was correct. As I read the type descriptions of Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging- ENFJ- I quickly recognized myself within the descriptive words.
To be honest I had to ask my husband what he thought, because sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. I was also in denial with myself on some of the questions. My personality type is ENFJ. Extravert 41%, iNtuitive 38%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 56%.
This would be the second time within the last month that I have taken the Meyers-Briggs Personality Type quiz. I was amazed at my results only because one stated that I was an extrovert, while the last one said I was an introvert. The last three of the personality types however, remained the same. For this research, I will use the last one which indicated that I was an INTJ, which is Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging. This describes me perfectly.
I was very happy to have been given the opportunity to take these self-assessment tests. I always had an idea as far as what my personality is defined as, but it’s interesting to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. With the Jungian Typology test I scored 59% Introvert, 34% Sensing, 19% Thinking, and 31% Judging. After receiving this score and reading how each is defined, none of this surprised me. Sharing the results with my mother, her response was, “No surprise there!” I have always tried having some understanding of my personality in hopes of finding the right career path for me. I must admit that this has opened my eyes to how detail oriented and focused I can be, especially if it’s something I care about. This can be both good
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to evaluate my personality type. My personality type is ESTJ with 1% Extravert, 38% Sensing, 25% Thinking, and 3% Judging. The ESTJ personality falls under the SJ – The Guardian in the Keirsey’s Temperaments category.
After going to the website, I took the personality test. I was identified as ISFP. This meant that I was fifty percent introvert, twenty-two percent sensing, twenty-five percent feeling, and twenty-two percent perceiving. The test was very accurate. To start, the results showed that I was an introvert. This perfectly describes me. My entire life I have been the shy one in the group. I was never focused on being the center of attention; I was fine with staying in the middle or back of the group. So for my results to say that I was fifty percent introvert was more accurate than I had intended it to be.
The one aspect which surprised me a little bit came from how close my code could have changed and given me my self-rating score. The total scores for each of my traits rated my S as a 33, my E as a 23, and my I as a 19; however, my A came in as an 18. I knew I shared the aspects of independence and introversion as an Investigative type, but I did not think it would have been in my top three due to my weakness to math. My aversion to complex math problems are what pushed me to pursue career choices that may not necessarily require advance mathematic skills.
After completing the Jung Typology test the personality type I scored is INFP which measure as Introvert(41%) iNtuitive(9%) Feeling(25%) Perceiving(19%). During my time in Puerto Rico, I used to behave as an extrovert. During high school, I almost knew everyone because we all went to the same school since elementary.
It was too complicated to understand. My results came in as two personalities, ESFJ and ENFJ. According to 16 Personalities, ESFJ is known as the "The Consul." In high school, they're the football players, cheerleaders, student council members or in other words the popular crowd. Extraversion was E, which I had gotten on the Big Five test and basically stating again that I am talkative. I like to talk a lot but when it comes down to doing my school work, I am in full concentration mode. Sensing was S, basically being organized and realistic. Sensors in contrary to Intuitors are more about a day-to-day planner. At the end of the day they want to finish what has to be finished but if course being realistic. Feeling was F, the idea of making decisions based on emotion. It's all about intuition. Judgment was J, going with something and actually doing it. In previous group projects there has always been that one person that changes everything up without telling the group, I dislike this people. If we brainstormed something that we should stick with the plan rather than the flow. My second personality was ENFJ. According to 16 Personalities, “The Protagonist.” People with the ENFJ are born to be leaders, they're the politicians, coaches and teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. Three out of the four traits that are in ENFJ were in my first personality type, the remaining one was Intuition. People with this trait tend to prefer speed but in-depth information. I am exactly like when doing
Throughout the beginning of this semester I have looked at how individuals behave within business organizations. Through various exercises and results, I have found a number of patterns within my behavior and interests. I have become aware to what interests me, and a number of skills/abilities I was oblivious I had. This reflection and in class exercises have allowed me to expand my skills, abilities, and behaviors, well fitting them into prospective future employment.
College success has been an awesome experience , I 've learned so much taking this course. For instance when doing the Myers Briggs personality survey one learned several thins about my self. First I learned that one is extrovert person and leader. I prefer to spend time re- energize in the outer world of society. I see the world with emphasis on information that comes through my five senses. There are two of my strongest interest are , I am investigative and sociable type person. Another one of my highest values are recognition and valuing relationships that I cherish. Obtaining information that I need to get the job done and make decisions on objective principle and impersonal facts. Also, I am a thinker, always try think things out before it happens. Sometimes I like taking risk, but enjoy working alone. Next, AS I was researcher for my career the Myers Briggs personality matched some careers that caught my attention such as becoming a Pharmacist, Physician, and lawyer. The one that I AM interesting in is Pharmacy . Their natural about this career consist of viewing prescription to assure accuracy. Pharmacists fill prescriptions based on the information and dosage provided by the doctor. Pharmacists must ensure that the dosage is correct for the patient and his condition.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) enables an individual to gain a deeper insight into their inherent personality traits. For some people, they have had prior knowledge or underlying assumptions about their personality, but this test provides clearer information about each of their identifiable traits. According to the MBTI in Human-metric personality test, my scores were 22% (E) extroverted thinking more than introverted, 9% (N) intuitive as oppose to sensing, 16% (T) thinking more than feeling, and 12% (J) judging as compared to perceiving. Thus, my personality type is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality group is described as a minority group that consists of natural-born leaders, and people filled with passion, and charisma for example, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey; they are notable members of this group, also known as the protagonists (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists apprehend pride in providing guidance for others to improve individually and to improve the community at large (16personalities, 2016). The protagonists find it naturally easy to communicate with others and excel at communicating with other people in person (16personalities, 2016).