
Persuasive Essay On Electric Cars

Decent Essays

Don’t you love when automotive companies interrupt your television time and courteously present their electric car and entice you to commit to them with their “Gasoline cars are bad for the environment, so go electric...”. It’s not as if one time is enough, either! They show it the first time: okay it catches my attention. Oh wait. There is is again. And again. And again. I’m sick of it! You see, what these self-titled environmentalists don’t observe is that the gasoline powered automobiles have no proper solution yet. The electric vehicle is simply a gimmick that has been actively conning consumers for years. Yet none of us consumers have batted an eye and reconsidered this evolving movement? Most of us are idiots.

At a first glance, electric vehicles create a facade showing off the newest innovation in efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. Yet, behind the masks that these manufacturers hide behind, there is a vault that holds all the funds they have essentially scammed the smartest consumers out of. Have you ever questioned the production procedure involved in the creation of these glorified pieces of sheet metal? Never! Who cares, right? A simple Wikipedia search exposes the fraud used by manufacturers. Most electric vehicles share the same facility as their gas counterparts. Prioritizing the safety of our planet, alternative energy sources have been identified and have been put into effect. It’s name? Oil.

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