
Philosophy Of Parenting Essay

Decent Essays

My Parent’s Philosophy I think it is safe to assume that many parents have good intentions when raising their children and they want to implement a parenting technique that helps their kids develop healthily and normally. My parents did their best to develop an authoritative parenting style, however, because of their individual unique family backgrounds and the influence of their own parents, they integrated authoritarian elements into their parenting techniques, not always intentionally. It is interesting to evaluate a child’s perspective of their parents because it may be skewed or not completely accurate. A child will perceive what they choose and may not understand why a parent acts the way they do or enforces a specific rule. My parents …show more content…

I think children should be held to high expectations while taking into account their age. Children should be treated with kindness and respect. Sometimes I felt like my parents were so concerned with us making the “right” choice that they felt that taking away our agency in certain situations would be a better alternative. Obviously, I would disagree and I can see the effects of that in my life as I’ve grown …show more content…

I think I have a very unique personality—I am sensitive and very independent but also need to feel loved and supported by someone who is close to me. The combination between my personality and my parent’s teaching style just clashed. It made me want to rebel. For a few years, I had a very poor relationship with my parents and this has made it difficult for me to create strong relationships with others as well. It is interesting to note that my parent’s parenting style influenced each one of my siblings

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