
Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report

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Amanda Raper Reviewed by: Cheyenne Mathes April 2, 2015 Forensic Science Analysis Lab Report #3 Physical Processing Techniques Lab Report BACKGROUND In the forensic science field, “A Latent Print is an impression of the friction ridge skin of the fingers or palms of the hands that has been transferred to another surface.” To break apart the phrase, “latent print”, the term “latent”, means “hidden” and the term “print” means “an indentation or mark left on a surface or soft substance by pressure especially that of a foot or hand.” So the phrase “latent prints”, refers to any print that must be enhanced chemically or physically to be made visible. Another way to define “latent print”, is simply sweat that is exuded from the body. Friction ridge skin is the only part of the body that doesn’t exude oil. The only oil that may be in a latent print has been picked up by touching another area of the body (face or ears for example) or some foreign object.” In 1863, Professor Paul-Jean Coulier, published his observations that latent prints can be developed on paper by iodine fuming and how to preserve the impressions. However, with the discovery of latent print process in 1863, the first official use of latent prints wasn’t until 1933 with the Hamm Kidnapping case. To solve the Hamm Kidnapping case, a Silver Nitrate Method was used. In the Hamm Kidnapping case, the use of the Silver Nitrate Method was the first time this method was successful in obtaining latent prints. Since

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