
Picpress Executive Summary

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PicPress uses a simple direct distribution channel. It sells to customers through an intermediary. By publishing the product on app stores, consumers can then go to the app stores on their phones and download the app. The app is available on the Apple app store and the Google play store. In this simple exchange, the product is available on every smartphone with limitless supply. The app is also constantly updated to improve the services.
Another channel of communication is website created solely for information. As for marketing purposes, there are many platforms that can be used to advertise the product, such as television, radio, and social media. For PicPress, the primary channel of communication will be the internet - social media, tech blogs, and articles on tech pages - to be able to create traction. However, direct interaction is limited to maintain exclusivity to allow it stand out after an initial marketing push.
PicPress is a free app on the Apple app store and the Google play store. Its primary objective is to introduce revolutionary technology and change the way people utilize data. Revenue is going to be made, but slowly over the years. The primary focus is to gain users, and then later find other methods to …show more content…

Two advertising methods will be implemented: Cost per Mille (CPM) and Cost per Click (CPC). In the CPM model, the advertiser agrees to pay the publisher a predetermined amount for every 1,000 ad impressions served. The average CPM value is $0.38 and a reasonable value. In the CPC model, the advertiser agrees to pay the publisher a predetermined amount for every click of the advertisement. As the company develops, it will become be able to gain a more engaging user base, making the CPC model will be more profitable. Allowing advertisements from selective advertisers, each deal is on average

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