
Plan for Positive Influence Ldr/531

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Plan for Positive Influence University of Phoenix LDR 531 The evolving nature of the 21st century organization occasioned by the emergence of viral technology and its effect on human thinking and behavior has required the alignment of applicable methods and styles that are adaptive to current reality. This reality is goals set by business organizations and the methodology for achieving them. Behavioral science prescribes several mechanisms to increase employee motivation, job satisfaction and performance as means to achieving set objectives. This plan clearly defines differences in attitude, personalities, emotions and values will be examined to create a behavioral plan that would increase motivation, satisfaction, and …show more content…

Managers are to make all employees aware of the opportunities for profit sharing based on the achievement of goals. Verbal and monetary recognition will be used to reinforce good behavior, to motivate employees, which will increase their performance leading to additional recognition and job satisfaction. Clearly defined goals as they relate to the organization can motivate employees through goal setting. Goals challenge to employees to make them want to explore new technology, ideas, and gain insight from a diverse workplace. Additionally, giving employees more responsibility will make them believe they have contributed with a sense of higher importance. Without motivation in the workplace, a business will suffer from the lack of efficiency from employees. Perhaps the most significant of increased employee motivation is that of increased productivity (, 2010). Therefore, it is important that employers give their employees an opportunity to work hard for their reward to obtain a high level of performance, which is an essential to the success of any business. To reinforce goals set and achieved company 's use pay, benefits, promotions, and training to increase employee performance (Stringer, 2006). One of the most powerful tools to increase employee performance is through profit sharing. In profit sharing, the company, in addition to giving employees wages they receive a share of the businesses net profit. France has used

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