Plastic from milk
Materials and Equipment
The materials listed below are for doing the experimental procedure exactly as written. However, you can make changes to the experimental procedure in order to use a different size measuring cup and/or a stovetop rather than a microwave. * Mugs or other heat-resistant cups (4); they should all be identical so as not to introduce another variable (See Variables in Your Science Fair Project), and large enough to hold more than 8 oz. of liquid * Masking tape * Pen or permanent marker * Teaspoon measuring spoon * White vinegar (at least 8 oz.) * Milk (at least 12 cups); nonfat, 1%, 2%, and whole milk will all work * Microwavable liquid measuring cup; should be large enough
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Scrape the curds off of the cloth and knead them together, as you would bread dough, into a ball. This is your casein plasticWeigh the ball of casein plastic on a kitchen scale (set for grams) using a piece of wax paper to keep the scale clean. Record the weight in your table. 1. When weighing, remember to turn on the scale and first make sure it reads zero with nothing on it. This will help make sure your measurements are accurate. Also, use a new sheet of wax paper each time you weigh a different ball of casein plastic. This will give you exact weights (without crumbs and liquid from the last ball)
Terms and Concepts * Casein plastic * Plastic * Molecule * Polymer * Monomer * Casein * Acid * Yield * Curds
These resources have more information about, and photos of, casein plastic: * Morgan, J. (2001, June 11). Welcome to the Caseino. Retrieved July 30, 2012, from * Plastics Historical Society. (2011). Casein. Retrieved July 30, 2012, from
12. Place the magnet on the scale to measure the mass of the object. Record the mass in Data Table 5.
Use approximately 2 feet of aluminum foil to wrap around the burner stand and beaker to minimize heat loss.
This purpose of this experiment is to calculate the thickness of a sheet of aluminum foil. This experiment is necessary because the human eye cannot accurately measure the small thickness of aluminum foil with only a ruler. However, to understand the procedure one needs to understand conversion, density, and volume. Conversion is when one converts one unit to another unit using a conversion factor(e.g. 2.54cm/in). Density is how much mass there is in a certain volume(density=mass/volume) and it stays constant in a substances and mixtures that have the same composition. Volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. The experiment will consist of weighing of aluminum foil, measuring the length and width, then converting these values
Place gum (still in wrapper) onto scale. Measure its mass, and record the mass in the second column.
To start your experiment you need to get all your materials. You will need,three cups, three shells, acid, measuring spoons, electronic balance and water. First we're gonna pour 120 ml (water) in the three cups ( tps whole ⅛ ). Then were gonna put one shell in each cup and let them soak in the acid. Then we're gonna take them out and measure the different weight. Cup A will need a whole tps and the rest filled with water. Cup B is gonna need ¼ tps and the rest filled with water. Cup C will need ½ tps and the rest water. gonna need
Place the object of your choosing on the triple beam balance's plate. 3. Use the weights to get the other side of the scale on zero to get the mass. 4. Next, place the object in a graduated cylinder filled with
Seven various household objects were chosen to measure using a digital gram scale. Each object’s mass was estimated by lab students and recorded in data table 4. A quarter, ball point pen, rubber bulb, large paper clip, green crayon, house key and a copper penny masses were estimated and recorded in data table 4. Each object was placed on the scale individually and its actual measurement was recorded in data table 4. As we started estimating the household objects we were often not correct in our estimations. As we measured more and more objects, we got better in our estimations by comparing objects with known masses and comparing them with the unknown
Create a coil out of a 20 cm length of magnesium ribbon. Place the coil in the crucible and measure the total mass of the crucible, cover, and magnesium ribbon and record the mass.
Abstract: The objective of the lab is to determine the volumes of the polystyrene spheres with three different measuring tools: Water Displacement, Analytical Scale, and Triple Beam Balance Scale. The experiment is meant to help understand the concept and application of precision and accuracy in experimental measurements. Accuracy is a measure of how closely the results of repeated measurements are to the true value of what is being measured. Precision is the variability in the results from the repeated measurements, and how close the repeated measurements were to one another. In this lab, the method for measuring the volume of the polystyrene spheres is done with the previously stated tools: Water Displacement, Analytical Scale, and Triple Beam Balance Scale. The standard deviation for the entire classes volumes and masses are recorded to determine the densities.
Determine the weight of the water by subtracting the weight of the vial with water by the weight of the vial on its own.
Gather the materials you need for this experiment. In this experiment, we used two styrofoam cups, a lid with a hole, a temperature probe, cold water, a hot pan, boiling water, a beaker, weighing paper, NH4NO3, NaOH, copper, aluminum, a balance scale, and Logger Pro. Begin the experiment by weighing the styrofoam cup with the lid on. Place cold water in the Styrofoam cup and weigh its mass. Now take the cup, and measure the temperature of the water.
The materials used during the experiment included three plastic cups, three gummy bears, masking tape, marker, balance, calculator, tray, one plastic spoon, a measurement tray, and a ruler. The three plastic cups were used to hold the tap water, salt water, and sugar water. The masking tape and marker were used to label each cup with the
For this experiment you will need four jars, four different liquids, a timer, a measuring beaker, making tape, marker, pen and pencil for notes. Get four
Measure 500ml of tap water in the 500cm3 beaker, then measure 5g of sodium hydrogen carbonate using the 50cm3 beaker and weight scale and place in the beaker of water, using the glass rod to dissolve it into the mixture.
Picture One: picture one has all the material needed to conduct the experiment which includes: heavy cream, a thermometer, 500-600 mL plastic container with lid and plastic graduated cylinder .