
Plate Recognition Essay

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An Implementation of Fast and Efficient Real Time Indian Standard High Security Number Plates Recognition and Detection System of Stolen Cars using RTOS
1Mukesh Singh Chandel, 2 Ms. Satya Verma
1M. Tech Scholar, 2 Head of Department
1Computer Science, 2Computer Science,
1MATS School of Engineering and IT, Aarang, Raipur (C.G.), India
2MATS School of Engineering and IT, Aarang, Raipur (C.G.), India,

Abstract—In India automatic Indian number plate detection and recognition system have the important role in modern travel and traffic system. Its helps to monitoring the urban traffic and to recognition the automobile thefts. In this digital modern world large number of vehicles, …show more content…

We see the number of vehicles around us in our daily life and everyone needs it but with the population increase, vehicles increased last decades in large quantity. But it created disturbances to the human life such as huge traffic, large sound, crime cases accidents, such as stealing of vehicles etc. and therefore we need management of vehicle. As a result, there is a lot of work going on to improve the transportation of vehicles. Out of these, Indian car plate recognition system is the most attractive research issue and this result manuscripts discusses some practical aspect of the recognizing number written on vehicle number plate. A Vehicle Plate Recognition System is a tracking system that identifies the vehicle so that the car is tracked down through our existing database. Each Number plates are unique for each vehicle, its takes the unique identification of each vehicle all over country. So its need to be monitor and recognize. We can track number plates in two ways firstly manually and second is automatically. In India traffic police noted manually the vehicle number plate. It is complex and not accurate reading. But automatic number plate recognition is the fast and efficient based system. Its helps to track the maximum number of system at a time with an accurate reading. Automatic number plate system uses the image

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