
Political Socialization Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Political Socialization is the process through which a person develops political beliefs and opinion that influence their behavior in social spheres. Growing up in New Orleans, where it’s nothing but violence and being an Army brat, where every two or three years, me and my family had to pack our stuff and move to our next duty station. There’s many different components and factors that contributed to my political socialization life. He who finds a wife finds a good thing. I stand strongly behind that bible verse because of the significant meaning behind it. My husband has been there for me through the ups and downs. Throughout the years of being with him, I’ve learned a lot about myself as a person, wife and individual. He’s taught me …show more content…

Growing up in a Christian household my parents was strict on what we could do and that if it wasn’t pleasing to God, then we don’t need to be doing it. As I started getting older, I started questioning my religion because every Sunday, I would hear how God was blessing all these people and all these amazing things was happing to other people. I was jealous and started to feel resentment towards God and all these people that was getting blessed by God. In my eyes, I felt like that wasn’t fair because I was praying and reading my bible but didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I started to go down my own path, everything I was and everything I believe in went out the window. Comparing both sides, how my life was before when I was on the right path verses doing my own thing. It opened my eyes to why I shouldn’t allow my jealousy to get in the way of my blessing that I know God has on my life. Even though I grew up believing in a certain religion, it was my choice either to keep my religion or throw it out the window. I feel like we all have choice when it comes to religion, even though when we are kids its forced upon us, but we make our own path to keep following it or break away from it. I had my moments where I was curious and started exploring other religions, but I never felt the same way as I did with

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