
Positive Effects Of Peer Pressure

Satisfactory Essays

Often, the concept of peer pressure is directed towards one group of individuals which is adolescents, but can affect all individuals. In the context of this essay, the target audience is adolescents and parents. While adolescents are affected by peer pressure, their parents become impacted by the behavior peer pressure has caused on their child. The essay reflects on the positive impacts peer pressure has on adolescents; however, some may disagree. The main objective, is to inform those that peer pressure can be positive on the development of adolescents, even though in most cases it is displayed negatively. “‘It's a friendly atmosphere, but there is pressure to do well,’ Michael says. ‘Everyone wants you to do your best. They don't want you to slack off. They want you to do what you have the ability to do and not sell yourself short’” (Fanning). A 17-year-old senior, named Michael Curran expresses the influence his peers has on him. He explains that the pressure from his peers, has swayed his motivation within the classroom, driving Michael to prosper in his academics. Initially, when one ponders on the concept of peer pressure they tend to view the negative effects of it; whether, it be alcohol, drugs or intercourse. Media plays a part on this idea, illustrating peer pressure in a negative light, causing people to see peer pressure as a negative factor on individuals, especially teenagers. Growing up as a teenager, one starts to learn more about themselves. Teens learn

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