
President John Tyler Essay

Decent Essays

President John Tyler How many people actually know of the tenth president, John Tyler? Well, I bet not very many so I am here to give some facts. Do you know where and when he was born? Hmmm, I thought so. He was born on March 29, 1790, in Charles City County, Virginia. This fine man graduated from the College of William and Mary at the age of seventeen. Not impress enough? In addition, he went on to study law and became an employee for a prestigious law firm in Richmond. At the age of twenty-one, Tyler used his father's connections to obtain a position in the Virginia House of Delegates. This southern aristocrat …show more content…

Unsurprisingly enough, they did win and Harrison assumed presidency while Tyler became the Vice President. Their slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." Hmmm, doesn't that ring a bell? Are you with me so far? No, not yet? Well, then, let me continue. Harrison gave his inaugural speech out in the cold and wearing neither a coat nor a hat. Unfortunately, he became ill and died a month later. Of course, Tyler immediately assumed into presidency. Considering this event was a first in history, many felt that he was merely an acting or temporary president. He gained the nicknames of His Accidency and Accidental President. Fear of alienation from Harrison's supporters, His Accidency kept the entire cabinet although he knew there were a few that hated his guts. He vetoed a bill of resurrecting the Bank of the United States, which made everyone much more furious. Henry Clay expelled Tyler from the Whig Party, called him a traitor, and attempted an impeachment. Daniel Webster in the other hand stayed and supported Tyler. Who's a traitor now? Despite all the loathing, Tyler did not loose his confidence and stubbornness. He knew what was right for the country and did not fear to use his power. After all, he was the president. He also vetoed two bills for higher tariffs and worked on annexation of Texas. He signed the Texas statehood bill into law on the first day of March 1845. The Americans

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